CTVA - Guild Films

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 Guild Films (Producer / Distributor)

September 1956

Guild Films - Mysteries

Paris Precinct (1953-55)(filmed in Paris) starring Louis Jourdan & Claude Dauphin

Sherlock Holmes (Sheldon Reynolds) (1954) (filmed in Paris) starring Ronald Howard

I Spy (1955) Spy Anthology series hosted by Raymond Massey

Confidential File (syndicated) (1955) Reporter Anthology starring Paul Coates

Guild Films - Comedy & Drama

Life With Elizabeth (Don Fedderson/Guild Films/synd)(1953-55) starring Betty White & Del Moore

Duffy's Tavern (Hal Roach Studios) (1954) starring Ed Gardner

Janet Dean, Registered Nurse (syndicated)(1954-55) starring Ella Raines

The Goldbergs -aka- Molly (1955-56) starring Gertrude Berg

Conrad Nagel Theater (syndicated) (1955-56) filmed anthology series

Guild Films - Children's Shows

Flash Gordon (TV Series)(filmed in Germany) (1954-55) starring Steve Holland

The Joe Palooka Story (1954) starring Joe Kirkwood, Jr,

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