Conrad Nagel Theater
Episode Guide
compiled by The Classic TV Archive
with contributions by:
J. Fred MacDonald (
Rina Fox
Library of Congress (telnet://
Internet Movie Database (
UCLA Film and Television Archive
Production company not known
for First-Run Syndication
US Anthology Series 1955 26 episodes x 30
Original airing January 26, 1955 - July 14, 1955 (Reruns airing 1956)
25 episodes produced (all 25 listed here)
Aired in Syndication 1957-58
Host: Conrad
################ Conrad Nagel Theater ################
################## season 1 1955-56 #################
[02] Conrad Nagel Theater: ASK ME NO QUESTIONS
Sebastian Cabot ....... Count
Faye Marlowe .......... Countess [JFM]
Gertrude Flynn ........ Mme. de Montflor
Sue Ellen Blake ....... Rosalie
Bill Barker ........... Charles
Adam Genette .......... Jean
A Balzac tale about a jealous count who drives his wife to an early grave. [RF]
[10] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE IDOL (film)
Paul Campbell ......... George
Tonio Stewart ......... Gautier
Judith Tutaeff ........ Louise
Pat Crean ............. Doctor
George Gonneau ........ Jacques
An American scholar comes to France to visit a friend who has discovered a statue of Venus. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
The destinies of three people are altered by a statue that comes to life. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: DEAR EVELINA
John Stacy ............ Edgar
Gertrude Flynn ........ Mrs. Gotterfield
Audrey MacDonald ...... Florence
Eileen Coghlan ........ Evelina
Bruce Milholland ...... Kenneth
Lenore Shanewise ...... Lydia
A young man's mother has arranged for her son's marriage,
but the son's engaged in a love affair with his mother's maid. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
A young man's arranged marriage is complicated by his dalliance with a
housemaid. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: A BRIDE FOR A VIOLIN (film)
Judith Tutaeff ........ Giannina
John Fostini .......... Filippo
The daughter of a master violin maker falls in love with her father's apprentice. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
A violin maker offers his daughter's hand to the man who can make
the finest violin, but the girl is already in love. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE JEWELS OF ROSANNA HIGGINS (film)
Based on De Maupassant's tale
Pat Crean ............. Clerk
Loui Bradley .......... Bridget
John Selby ............ Carruthers
John Stacy ............ Pettybone
Synopsis 1:
A man discovers that his dead wife's costume jewelry is real. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
When the beautiful and seemingly devoted wife of a poor clerk dies,
he discovers the her costume jewelry is actually real. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE AVENGER (film)
(aka Tomorrow Is The Avenger)
Carlo Giustini ......... Marino
Anna Maria Padoan ...... Teresa
Tonio Selwart .......... Kuhlmann
Luisa Garella .......... Mrs. Marino
A man seeks revenge when he meets his mother's killer. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
After many years, an Italian merchant meets the German
who murdered his mother and determines to get revenge. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE MODEL COUPLE (film)
Peg La Centra
Leslie Daniels ........ Alfred
Clelia Matania ........ Mabel
John Stacy ............ Broome
A man becomes suspicious when his wife receives an inheritance from a Frenchman. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
In an English town, a marriage is almost destroyed when the wife
inherits money from a mysterious Frenchman. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE SANDMAN (film)
Walt Richter
Pat Browning .......... Jean
Sebastian Cabot ....... Castelnuovo/Newcastle
Loris Peterson ........ Helen
Cecil Mathews ......... Grandfather
An emotionally disturbed man seeks revenge. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
Haunted by memories, an emotionally disturbed young man
retreats into a world of fantasy and delusion. [RF]
Synopsis 3:
An emotionally disturbed young man accuses
a Professor of murdering his grandfather. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: OF PIGS AND KINGS (film)
Pat Crean ............. King
George Higgins ........ Prime Minister
Michael Morel ......... Pig
Eileen Coghlan ........ Pearl
Richard Garrick ....... Spokesman
Stella Vitelleschi .... Witch
John Stacy ............ Probity
A comic fable about a king who promises a dying pig
that he will rescue the pig's girl. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
After freeing a princess from a spell, an old King implores
a Gypsy to make him young again. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE UNKNOWN MADONNA (film)
Peg La Centra
Michael Tor ........... James
Phyllis Browne ........ Joan
John Stacy ............ Rene
A famous painter meets a girl of the streets.
He paints her portrait and falls in love with her. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
A prostitute inspires a young artist to paint a masterpiece
that changes his life. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: CLOTHES MAKE THE LADY (film)
13Apr56 (15Dec57)
Conrad Nagel
Dorothy Bisco
Gertrude Flynn ........ Countess
John Fostini .......... Jacques
Sue Ellen Blake ....... Suzanne
Bruce Millholland
Synopsis 1:
Friends of a former chambermaid try to make her happy before she enters a hospital. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
A maid is treated by her son and her friends, to a day as a princess. [RF]
Synopsis 3:
A former chambermaid is treated to a day as a "lady" by her son and friends.
She has an encounter with a real countess. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: BLAKEMAN'S BOTTLE
Pat Crean ............. Steve
Christine Thorer ...... Anna
Stephen Garrett ....... Whittier
Anna Maria Padoan ..... Carlotta
Tonia Selwart ......... Mike
Margery Green ......... Mrs. Corcoran
Dino Terranova ........ Giulio
An educated man choses to lead a fisherman's life. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
The beneficiary of an inheritance is forced to associate only with bluebloods. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE THREE SEARCHERS
Adapted from a story by Chaucer
Sebastian Cabot ....... Fat Man
Adam Genette .......... Thin Man
Michael Morel ......... Young Man
Richard Garrick ....... Old Man
Three drunken rowdies search for the phantom Death. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE DOOR TO DARKNESS
Henry Vidon ........... Dr. Baltin
Bill Baker ............ Louis
Cindy Ames ............ Martha
Alice Martin .......... Dancer
John Horn ............. Inspector
Phyllis Browne ........ Lola's Mother
Ignoring the advice of his grown son, a wealthy physician determines to discover
why his beautiful wife committed suicide. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
Against the advice of his son, a wealthy physician investigates
his wife's suicide. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE STORM
Peter Trent ........... Dr. Claridge
Betty Metcalf ......... Barbara
John Douglas .......... Hank
Richard McNamara ...... Farmer
Dr. Claridge is called on to save the life of the man about to run away with his
wife. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: CONTENTS UNLABELED
Alan Fourlan .......... Reporter
Fiorella Mari ......... Jeannie
Tonio Selwart ......... Kressner
John Mantley .......... Clerk
George Gonneau ........ Bandit
Three wishes are granted to a reporter by a girl who says she's a genie. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: GUILETTA AND ROMEO
Based on Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"
John Fostini .......... Romeo
Angela Carroll ........ Guiletta
Pat Crean ............. Capelletti
Gisela Mathews ........ Mrs. Capelletti
Sue Ellen Blake ....... Angela
George Weller ......... Montecchi
Margaret Anderson ..... Mrs. Montecchi
A tongue-in-cheek modernization, set in a small Italian town. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: IN THE SERVICE OF THE EMPEROR
Donald Buka ........... Jacques
Tonio Selwart ......... Boiselaire
Faye Marlowe .......... Madeleine
Peter Trent ........... Bonder
During the Napoleonic Wars, a farmer and his daughter
shelter a French soldier from British troops. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN
Fiorella Mari ......... Girl
John Douglas .......... Soldier
Pat Crean ............. Old Man
A troubled girl and a lonely GI learn a lesson in life from a kindly old man. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE OTHER DON JUAN
Donald Buka
Faye Marlowe .......... Theresa
Zina Rachevsky ........ Rosa
Sebastian Cabot ....... Monk
Rolf Tasna ............ Stranger
Richard Garrick ....... Brother
Charles Fawcett ....... Tourist
Cecil Mathews ......... Father
A handsome philanderer seeks refuge in a monastery. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE GYPSY
Sue Ellen Blake ....... Maria
Stella Vitelleschi .... Ivanka
Alfred Browne ......... Vladimir
A Russian Army officer's sweetheart interferes with
his plans to steal a Gypsy's money. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: CARMEN WITHOUT ROSES
Based on the Merimee story
Betty Metcalf ......... Carmen
Rolf Tasna ............ Joe
Stephen Garrett ....... Curtis
Rem Olmstead .......... Tanner
An ex-policeman turns to crime to win a gun moll. [RF]
[--] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE HOUSE IN THE SEA
Madelaine Chambers
Alan Fourlan .......... Giorgio
Lenore Shanewise ...... Corinna
After learning her husband has been killed at sea, a grief-stricken
girl in a Mediterranean town is nearly driven to
suicide. [RF]
[22] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE QUEEN OF SPADES
(aka The Gambler)
Adapted from the Alexander Pushkin story.
George Gonneau ........ Turin
Lenore Shanewise ...... Aunt Adelaide
Tom Middleton ......... Jim
Loris Peterson ........ Betty
An avaricious gambler learns that an old woman knows the perfect
combination of cards to win. [RF]
Synopsis 2:
A compulsive gambler learns about a formula for winning every game. [RF]
[25] Conrad Nagel Theater: THE VISITOR
Adapted from Tolstoy's Christmas tale
Cecil Mathews ......... Street Sweeper
Tonio Stewart ......... Shoemaker
Virginia Belmont ...... Girl
Stella Vitelleschi .... Old Woman
A tale of a shoemaker who daydreams of a visit from Christ. [RF]
################ Conrad Nagel Theater ################
##################### the end ######################
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