CTVA-Nielsen Ratings 1961-1962 CTVA - The Classic TV Archive
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#1 Wagon Train (season 5) (NBC)

#2 Bonanza (season 3) (NBC)

#3 Gunsmoke (season 7) (CBS)

#4 Hazel (season 1) (NBC)

#5 Perry Mason (season 5) (CBS)

#6 The Red Skelton Show (season 11) (CBS)

#7  The Andy Griffith Show (season 2) (CBS)

#8  The Danny Thomas Show (season 9) (CBS)

#9  Dr. Kildare (season 1) (NBC)

#10 Candid Camera (CBS)

#11 My Three Sons (season 2) (ABC)

#12 The Garry Moore Show (CBS)

#13 Rawhide (season 4) (CBS)

#14 The Real McCoys (season 5) (ABC)

#15 Lassie (season 8) (CBS)

#16 Sing Along With Mitch (NBC)

#17  Dennis the Menace (season 3) (CBS)

# 18 Marshal Dillon (reruns of Gunsmoke) (CBS)

#19  Ben Casey (season 1) (ABC)

#20  The Ed Sullivan Show (season 14) (CBS)

#### End of the  Nielsen Ratings List  #####

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