CTVA US - Movie Musicals

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U.S. Movie Musicals & Musical Comedies

  Al Jolson Movies  /    Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers

"Harmony Lane" (1935 US Stephen Foster Music Biopic)
starring Douglas Montgomery

"Navy Blues" (1937 US US Musical Comedy)
starring Dick Purcell, Mary Brian, Warren Hymer

"The Girl Said No: With Words and Music" (1937 US Musical Comedy)
starring Irene Hervey, Robert Armstrong

"Private Buckaroo" (1942 US US Musical Comedy)
starring The Andrews Sisters, Harry James &his Orchestra

 "'Till the Clouds Roll By" (1946 US Jerome Kearn Music Biopic)
Starring Robert Walker & Judy Garland

  "The Fabulous Dorseys" (1947 US Movie)
starring  The Tommy Dorsey Band & The Jimmy Dorsey Band

"Never Steal Anything Small" (1958)(Universal)
starring James Cagney, Shirley Jones (94 min)(color) (semi-musical)

 West Side Story - Trailer [1961] [34th Oscar Best Picture]

The Sound of Music - Trailer [1965] [38th Oscar Best Picture]

Oliver! - Trailer [1968] [41st Oscar Best Picture]

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