CTVA Profile - Writer - Lawrence Kimble

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Profile - Writer - Lawrence Kimble

Lawrence Kimble (1904-1977)(imdb)

Compiled for ctva by Sal Crisanti <crisanti52@netscape.net>

Lawrence Kimble was one of the most prolific writers during the early days in
Hollywood. His career began in 1936. He wrote screenplays for many low budget
productions at different studios. From time to time he also scripted with
other writers on the same film. He was very active writing films until the
early 50's, when he began writing scripts for television. He was hired
by MCA tv/Revue Studios as a contract writer and began turning out original
stories and teleplays for tv series like:-
"City Detective" (1953-55),
"Soldiers of Fortune" (1955-57),
"State Trooper", (1957-59),
"Mike Hammer" (1958-59),
"Coronado 9" (1959-60),
and many more.
Lawrence Kimble was also part of a writing team, consisting of two other
very prolific writers. They were Barry Shipman and Fenton Earnshaw. It took
a very disciplined and creative individual to turn out script after script
during very short shooting schedules.
Lawrence Kimble was born in Bakerfield, California in 1904 and
left us on September 3, 1977. He was a gifted writer.

Compiled for ctva by Sal Crisanti <crisanti52@netscape.net>

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