CTVA US Talk Show - "Edward R. Murrow: Small World" (CBS)(1958-60)
Discussion series
- The Classic TV Archive
Music Variety
US Talk Shows/ Discussion Series
- US
Documentary Series
Edward R. Murrow: Small World
Episode Guide
compiled by
The Classic TV Archive
with contributions by: Rina Fox
Library of Congress (telnet://locis.loc.gov)
Internet Movie Database (https://www.us.imdb.com)
UCLA Film and Television Archive
Producer Fred W. Friendly
CBS (Sundays 5pm/6pm)
October 12, 1958 - June 12, 1960.
US Discussion Series 1958-1960
Host: Edward R. Murrow
Editors, William P. Thompson, F. Howard O’Neill, Mili Lerner;
directors of photography, William K. McClure, Leo Rossi, Charles Mack.
Premise: Each week, Small world presented a filmed, intercontinental
conversation that linked moderator Edward R. Murrow
in New York with three internationally known figures located in different parts
of the world. What set this series apart
from other televised interview/discussion programs was the fact that its
participants could not see each other, but could
hear one another via telephone lines and radio. Film cameras recorded the
visuals and the final product was aired after
picture and sound were combined and edited. The conversations were random in
nature, covering matters both large and small
as the guests developed the discussions on their own with occasional assistance
from Murrow." [RF]
EMMY nominated in the category of Best Public Affairs Program.
################# Small World ################
############## season 1 1958-59 ##############
CBS Sunday Afternoons
[01] Small World
12Oct1958 CBS Sun [Premiere]
Host Edward R. Murrow
Ed Murrow conducts a chat with Prime Minister Nehru of India, Aldous Huxley and
Thomas Dewey.
The show is a blend of film, overseas radio and long distance telephone talks. [RF]
[02] Small World
19Oct1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Atomic energy as threat and promise should be at the center of today's
discussion. The guests are Bertrand Russell,
philosopher and Nobel Prize author in London; Dr. Willard F. Libby of the U.S.
Atomic Energy Commission,
in Washington D.C.; Dr. Homi J. Bhabha, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission
of India, in Paris.
Lord Russell has been active in efforts to halt nuclear weapons. Edward R.
Murrow moderates. [RF]
[03] Small World
26Oct1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Lauren Bacall, Malcolm Muggeridge, former editor of "Punch" a British humor
magazine and Eric Johnston are the
assembled raconteurs, and the first two help make this the most engaging session
to date on this international fest.
You'll find Miss Bacall intelligent and humorous discussing how good our
Hollywood films are as overseas ambassadors,
and the question of female suffrage. [RF]
[04] Small World: EDUCATION
02Nov1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Rear Admiral Hyman G. Rickover,
Dr. Mark Van Doren,
novelist Rebecca West
This issue includes author Rebecca West in Buckinghamshire, England; Vice
Admiral Hyman Rickover in Washington, D.C.;
and Dr. Mark Van Doren in Cornwall, Connecticut. The topic is education. [RF]
[05] Small World
09Nov1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Actor Peter Ustinov, Maryland Gov. Theodore McKeldin and Impresario Sol Hurok
will discuss art and government.
Particularly amusing telephonic chat between Peter Ustinov, Sol Hurok and
Maryland's Gov. McKeldin. This combative
trio consider politics, culture and TV. Hurok and Ustinov both make good sense,
with the latter being not only
perceptive but witty as he demolishes several, ideas advanced by the governor
McKeldin unintentionally proves Ustinov's
contention that politicians, like the Russians, can be funny precisely because
they have no sense of humor. [RF]
[06] Small World
16Nov1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Conversation is carried on by Presidential News Secretary James C. Hagerty;
Jacques Soustelle, minister of information
for the De Gaulle government, and Malcolm Muggeridge, former editor of Britain's
Punch magazine. Speakers are in
Washington, Paris and London, respectively. Edward R.Murrow guides the talk. [RF]
[07] Small World
23Nov1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
General Alfred M. Groenther, Aneturin Bevan, British Labor Party leader and
Franz Josef Strauss, West Germany's defense
minister, will discuss the defense of Middle and Western Europe. [RF]
[08] Small World
30Nov1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Harry S. Truman, thirty-third president of the United States, and Richard
Clement Attlee, fortieth prime minister of
Great Britain, join in intercontinental conversation with Edward R. Murrow. Mr.
Truman is in Independence, Mo. Earl
Attlee is in London. [RF]
[09] Small World
07Dec1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Edward Murrow is joined in intercontinental conversation by Antoni Slonimski,
Poland's poet laureate; Artur Rubenstein,
world-famed Polishborn pianist, and Archibald MacLeish,. 2-time Pulitzer prize
winner. The guest speakers are in Warsaw,
Paris and Washington, and the Warsaw visit is the show's first stop in a
Communist country. [RF]
[10] Small World
14Dec1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Dr. Milton Eisenhower
Luis Munoz-Marin
Dr. Galo Plaza
Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower; Puerto Rican Governor Luis Munoz-Marin and Dr. Galo
Plaza, former president of Ecuador
will join Edward R. Murrow in an unrehearsed, intercontinental conversation
about relations between the United States
and its neighbor nations to the South. [RF]
[11] Small World
21Dec1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
James O. Sastland; Herbert L. Block, syndicated editorial cartoonist of the
Washington Post and Times-Herald, and
Denis W. Brogan, professor of political science at Cambridge, will discuss the
U.S. Senate's controversial
filibuster rule.[RF]
[12] Small World
28Dec1958 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Actress Vivien Leigh, movie producer Samuel Goldwyn and New York drama critic
Kenneth Tynan join Edward R. Murrow
in a filmed conversation. [RF]
[13] Small World
04Jan1959 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Maria Callas,
Victor Borge,
Sir Thomas Beeeham (pt. 1)
[14] Small World
11Jan1959 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Headline news broker when Maria Callas gave her opinions of various opera
personalities during "Small World" last
Sunday and part II of the show is due tonight. She'll be taking with Sir Thomas
Beecham and Victor Borge. [RF]
[15] Small World
18Jan1959 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Romain Gary, Martha Gellhorn, Malcolm Muggeridge [RF]
[16] Small World
25Jan1959 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Mayor Willy Brandt
James B. Conant
Michael Foote
In intercontinental conversation are Willy Brandt, mayor of West Berlin; James
B. Conant, former United States high
commissioner and ambassador to West Germany, and Michael Foote, editor of
London's Daily Herald. They are in Berlin,
San Francisco and London, respectively. [RF]
[17] Small World
01Feb1959 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Part 1
Entertaining threesome takes on an engaging subject. Joseph Welch Boston
attorney; Suzanne Blum, adviser to the French
foreign ministry, and Sir Norman Birkett former lord justice of appeals in
England, differ on whether "the lawyer is
an actor."
Welch says of course not; Sir Norman is certain he must-be, and Miss Blum thinks
he used to be. but in France he has
to deal in cold logic now This is Part I for the cast, with Part II to come next
week. [RF]
[18] Small World
08Feb1959 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Part 2
Joseph N. Welch,
Maitre Suzanne Blum, Sir
Norman Birkett
[19] Small World
15Feb1959 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Senator Everett Dirkson, poet-writer Carl Sandburg and author C. N. Parkinson
discuss Abraham Lincoln. [RF]
[20] Small World
22Feb1959 CBS Sun
Host Edward R. Murrow
Adlai Stevenson, Barbara Ward (Lady Roberta Jackson), former foreign affairs
editor of the "Economist" of London
and Edward Crankshaw, Russian expert of the London Observer, will join Edward R.
Murrow in a frank appraisal of
the Cold War and World Trade Conditions.
Stevenson will participate in the discussion from the Fairmont Hotel in San
Francisco. Barbara Ward, a former director
of the BBC and author of several books on world economics, will join in, from
Honolulu. Eight thousand miles to the
east, Crankshaw, author of manv books on Russia and) recently returned from a
visit to the Soviet Union, will speak
from Sandhurst, England. Murrow will moderate the discussion from studios in New
York City.
The group will discuss, among other subjects, the current situation in West
Berlin, various effects of the cold war,
dangers inherent in the world's current population explosion, and economic and
cultural co-existence between the
United States and the Soviet Union. [RF]
[21] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
If Abraham Lincoln were alive today, would he be a Republican or a Democrat?
This is the question Edward R. Murrow
will put to his guests, Senate Minority Leader Everett M. Dirksen, Pulitzer
prize winning poet Carl Sandburg, and
best selling author and historian C. Northcote Parkinson. [RF]
[22] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
The Hollywood motion picture industry is discussed by actress Ingrid Bergman,
movie critic Bosley Crowther of the
New York Times and producer Darryl Zanuck. [RF]
[23] Small World: U.S. Position Throughout the World
Host Edward R. Murrow
"U.S. Position Throughout the World" George V. Allen, director of the U. S.
Information Agency; Eugene Burdick,
co-author of the best-selling book "The Ugly American," and Arsenio Lacson,
mayor of Manila, will join "Small World"
(2) in a discussion of the U.S. place in the world and its standing. [RF]
[24] Small World: Humor in Theatre
Host Edward R. Murrow
Leonard Bernstein's theme applied to the theater will be featured when three
internationally famed personalities
of the entertainment world, hold a trans-oceanic conversation on the subject of
wit, humor and satire in the theater.
The three are playwright-actor Noel Coward, participating from Jamaica; Siobhan
McKenna, renowned alumna of Dublin's
- Abbey Theater, speaking from her home in Dublin, and wrilcr-playwright James
Thurber, joining In from his suite in
New York's Algonquin Hotel.
The three will offer their own nomination for the greatest Wits of all time, and
will discuss what's wrong with the
Broadway stage and the lack of political satire in the current theater.
Synopsis 2:
Writers Noel Coward and James Thurber and Irish actress Siobhan McKenna converse
about humor and wit, the scarcity
of contemporary political satire and the present condition f the Broadway stage.
[--] Small World: Humor in Theatre
A repeat of last week's program one of the most talked about episodes of "Small
World". [RF]
*Confirmed from the News Tribune item 29Mar59.
[25] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and author Aldous
Huxley are seen for the second time
on "Small World". Another portion of this filmed conversation was telecast
earlier this season.
The discussion is on world population problems and the passive-resistance
philosophy. [RF]
(Last show of the season).
################# Small World ################
############## season 2 1959-60 ##############
CBS Sunday Afternoons
2.01 [26] Small World
11Oct1959 [New season premiere]
Host Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow moderates as poet Robert Frost, British writer A.P. Herbert and
poetess Dora Vasconcellos, Brazil's
consul general in the United States talk about the dangers and benefits of
recent scientic advances, including space
exploration. Each speaker takes part, on film, from different locations. [RF]
2.02 [27] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Three articulate politicians — Senator John Kennedy. British member of the House
of Lords , Robert Boothby, and Indian
Ambassador to the United Nations Khrishna Menon — Discuss Khrushchev's visit to
the U.S. and Red China, with some
wind-up comments on the" recent British elections. Menon comments on the
ideological warfare, noting that he sees
differences but not conflicts, and makes a notably clear statement of India's
basic foreign policy. Another rewarding
session. [RF]
2.03 [28] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
(no details)
2.04 [29] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow in New York City moderates a discussion between Prime Minister
David Ben-Gurion of Israel and U Nu,
former Prime Minister of Burma. They discuss some of the similarities and
differences between Judaism and Buddhism,
the role of small countries in the Cold War and technical assistance to
underdeveloped nations. [RF]
2.05 [30] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
An offbeat trio with Jackie Gleason, Irish playwright Brendan Behan and critic
John Mason Brown match wits as they
compare notes on the art of conversation. [RF]
2.06 [31] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Gov. William G. Stratton of Illinois, Saturday Review Editor Norman Cousins, and
Soviet editor Alexandra Chakovsky
Norman Cousins manages to get a pointed word in here and there tonight, but it's
Soviet editor Alexander Chakovsky
who takes over the air waves most of the time Extremely well versed in the ,art
of evasion, he would have us believe
that the Soviet writer has more freedom than our writers have. An object lesson
in the art of conversation between
"Communist" and "Capitalist." [RF]
2.07 [32] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Three retired soldiers US General Mark Clark, Britain's Viscount Montgomery and
Germany's General Fridolin von Senger
engage in today's conversation. [RF]
2.08 [33] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Continuation of conversation between Gen. Mark Clark, Marshal Viscount
Montgomery and former German general Fridolin
von Senger.
Aside from some interesting reflections on the military career from all three
and their reactions to Khrushchev's
visit to the U.SM Von Senger's outspoken remarks on the uses of the "cold war/'
his analysis of the defeats of
Prussianism and Montgomery's estimate of a unified Germany as just "an ideal. [RF]
2.09 [34] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
French film star Simqne Signoret, Hedda Hopper and choreographer Agnes de Mille
will discuss censorship of actors'
private lives. [RF]
2.10 [35] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow in London moderates a conversation between Hollywood columnist
Hedda Hopper, French actress Simone
Signoret and Agnes de Mille. [RF]
2.11 [36] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow moderates the discussion of United States participation in the
World Court. [RF]
2.12 [37] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Writing, love, marriage, polygamy and the state of the world are subjects of a
discussion between writers Han Sunyin,
Lesley Blanch and Malcolm Muggeridge. EdWard R. Murrow moderates the discussion.
Dr. Elizabeth Comber (Han Su Yin), Malcolm Muggeridge, Leslie Blanche. [RF]
2.13 [38] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Boston attorney Joseph N. Welch sits in for Edward R. Murrow when guests are
Justices William O. Douglas and John
Voelker and British jurist Sir Norman Birkett. [RF]
2.14 [39] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Discussion of President Eisenhower's trip and the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, moderated by Edward R. Murrow. [RF]
2.15 [40] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Three real pros in the diplomatic arena, former Ambassador to Italy Clare Rooihe
Lure, former Ambassador to Russia
and the Philippines Charles E. Bohlon, and Britain's Sir Harold Nicolson,
believe "patience, modesty, and honesty"
are the most valuable attributes of a successful diplomat. [RF]
2.16 [41] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Second episode in the two-part program on the subject of international diplomacy
with Clare Boothe Luce,
Charles E. Bohlen and Sir Harold Nicholson. [RF]
2.17 [42] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
A disccussion of political polls by George Gallup, British columnist William
Connor, and Italian legislator
Luigi Barzini. [RF]
[--] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Revised rebroadcast of discussion on Abraham Lincoln, with Carl Sandburg. Sen.
Everett M. Dirksen and
Prof. C. Northcote Parkinson. [RF]
2.18 [43] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Taking part in today's conversation are Gov. Edmund "Pat" Brown of California,
Mayor Robert Wagner of New York City
and Richard H.S. Crossman member of the British Parliament. They discuss
legalized off-track betting, the economic
advantages, moral objections and effect on crime. [RF]
2.18 [44] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
The dangers of atomic fallout and the pros and cons from resuming nuclear tests
are discussed by physicist
Edward Teller and English philosopher Bertrand Russell. [RF]
2.19 [45] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Discussion of nuclear testing among physicist Edward Teller and philosopher
Bertrand Russell.
Philosopher Bertrand Russell and Physicist Edward Teller go into the first round
of a 2-part conversation,
(lie pros and cons of banning nuclear tests get a clear, stimulating and
thorough overhauling. Each of these
gentlemen contributes to your knowledge and understanding of a pivotal problem,
anil no matter what your
position on the subject may be, your frame of reference will benefit greatly by
their exchange. [RF]
2.20 [46] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Part Two of the discussion of pros and cons of current proposals to ban further
testing of atomic devices. [RF]
2.21 [47] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Musical artists of the first rank, Cellist Pablo Casals, Violinist Isaac Stern
and Swiss Conductor Ernest Ansermet,
tune in for a 3-way conversation among friends. Casals comes up with an
unexpected choice for the greatest conductor
of the day, and all three discuss some unsuspected questions on the instrument a
musician chooses for himself. [RF]
[--] Small World
20Mar1960 [repeat]
Host Edward R. Murrow
The much discussed Edward Teller-Bertrand Russell debate on atomic testing which
took place on an earlier "Small World"
program will be aired in two parts. Part I will be seen at 4:30 p.m. today and
Part II next Sunday.
U.C.'s Dr. Teller, father of the H-bomb, spoke from his Berkeley home. Lord
Russell spoke from London,
and Edward R. Murrow, as moderator, from Rome. [RF]
[--] Small World
27Mar1960 [repeat]
Host Edward R. Murrow
Part Two of the discussion of nuclear-armed bombers with Senator Henry M.
Jackson (D-Wash) and Dennis Healey,
Laborite member of Britain's Parliament. [RF]
2.22 [48] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
British historian Arnold Toynbee, British writer Robert Graves and American
novelist Philip Wylie discuss morals
and ethics in the nuclear age. Eric Sevareid is host. "Morals and Ethics"
Toynbee, Wylie, Graves [RF]
2.23 [49] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
The pros and cons of censorship of motion pictures is tackled by Deborah Kerr
(who prefers the British system of
classifying pictures as adult only, etc.), Otto Preminger (who believes that the
personal taste and responsibility
of the producer should be the only kind of censorship), and Msgr. John J.
McClafferty (who is opposed to federal
censorship, but feels an oreanization has the right to tell its members what
should be seen). [RF]
2.24 [50] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Dr. Werner Von Braun director of technical operations at the Army Ballistic
Missiles agency appears in discussion
of space flight. [RF]
2.25 [51] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
For the first time in its 2-year history, "Small World" is turned over to one
speaker plus Edward R. Murrow.
Rebecca West, journalist-novelist, gives' an eyewitness report on the racial
crisis in South Africa. [RF]
2.26 [52] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor and Gen. Moshe Dayan, former Israel chief of staff,
discuss the importance of not only
missile, but brush warfare preparation. [RF]
2.27 [53] Small World
Host Edward R. Murrow
The drama on stage and screen is discussed by playwright Tennessee Williams,
Dilys Powell drama critic of the
London Sunday Times and Yukio Mishima, Japanese playwtight, actor and producer.
2.28 [54] Small World
Three feminine journalists discuss the world, women and women reporters.
Participating are Doris Fleesan
Washington columnist, Marguerite Higgins of the New York Herald Tribune and
Marya Mannes, critic for The Reporter. [RF]
2.29 [55] Small World
Timely and provocative comment and analysis of the problems of disarmament from
a group of experts highlight
the first of a 2-part study of the subject.
Dr. Leo Szilard, one of the fathers of the atom bomb and the winner of this
year's "atoms for peace prize,"
exchanges views and attitudes with the physicist, Dr. Edward Teller, a former
AEC member, Thomas E. Murray;
an MIT professor and science adviser to the president, Dr. Jerome B. Wiesner,
and the former head of the army
ballistic missile agency, Gen. John B. Medaris (ret). [RF]
2.30 [56] Small World
Part II of a discussion on disarmament by experts in the field of atomic energy
is a highly provocative and
thoughtful exchange of opinion. Participating are: Dr. Hans Albrecht Bethe, Dr
Leo Szilard, Adm. Lewis L. Strauss,
and Dr. Jerome B. Wiesner
How to pursue the course of peace, the efficacy of limited war, and the recent
events concerning the summit,
the U-2, and the UN debate, are sonw of the subjects covered by Dr. Hans
Albrecht Bethe, Dr. Leo Szilard,
Lewis L. Strauss and Dr. Jerome B. Wiesner. [RF]
[--] Small World
One-time Eastbay reporter Marguerite Higgins, who won a Pulitzer Prize and has
covered the world in war and
peace for the N.Y. Herald-Tribune, participates in Ed Murrow's three-way talk
with Mary a Mannes, author,
poet and critic for the Reporter Magazine, and Doris Fleeson, Washington
correspondent for United Features
Syndicate. The three top-flight journalists are heard discussing the world,
women and the way of a reporter.
*NOTE: This program was pre-empted in some areas of the country and was aired
three weeks after the original
program aired. [RF]
[--] Small World
Edward Teller, John Mendaris, Leo Szillard guest. [RF]
################# Small World ################
################## the end #################
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