The Classic TV
Archive - US Comedy Series
"The Jack Benny
Starring Jack Benny
Season 7 (CBS) (1956-57)
Episode Guide
compiled by The Classic TV Archive
with contributions by: Steve Jensen
TV Guide /
Library of Congress (telnet://locis.loc.gov)
Internet Movie Database (https://us.imdb.com)
UCLA Film and Television Archive
########### The Jack Benny Program ###########
############ season 7 1956-57 ###############
CBS Sundays 7:30 pm Eastern (Fortnightly)
Alternated with -
Secretary a.k.a. Susie (1953-57) starring Ann Sothern
(season 5)
Live shows + 4 Special Episodes Filmed in Europe (prod. nos. 859-862)
Season 7, Episode 1: Alfred Wallenstein Show
Original Air Date—23 September 1956
Season 7, Episode 2: George Burns/Spike Jones Show
Original Air Date—7 October 1956
In this parody of the Broadway musical "Damn Yankees," Jack Benny dreams he
sells his soul to the
Devil (George Burns) for a chance to play at Carnegie Hall. Jack gets his wish,
but the conductor
of his symphony orchestra turns out to be Spike Jones - who sabotages Jack's
performance at every turn.
Season 7, Episode 3: George Gobel/Red Skelton Show
Original Air Date—21 October 1956
7.4 [--] The Jack Benny Program: JACK IS INVITED TO THE RONALD COLMAN'S
prod. no. 858 (copyright date 16Jul56) 4-Nov-1956 CBS Sun
Written by Sam Perrin & George Balzer & Al Gordon
Directed by Hal Goldman, Ralph Levy
Guest Cast:
Ronald Colman (Himself) Benita Hume (Herself)
7.5 [--] The Jack Benny Program: JACK'S MAXWELL IS STOLEN
Original Air Date—18 November 1956
Jack panics when Rochester informs him that his Maxwell automobile has been
stolen from his garage and
they immediately race to the opulent Beverly Hills police station where the
dispatcher plays Elvis Presley
and Lawrence Welk records between making police calls. The police discover the
crooks have returned the
car and apprehend one of the perpetrators who broke his toe kicking the car's
Season 7, Episode 6: Jack Locked in the Tower of London
Original Air Date—2 December 1956
Jack and Mary vacation in London, where Jack is accidentally locked in the Tower
of London during a tour.
Season 7, Episode 7: The Mikado
Original Air Date—16 December 1956
Season 7, Episode 8: Talent Show
Original Air Date—30 December 1956
7.9 [--] The Jack Benny Program: JACK BENNY IN ROME
(special - filmed on location)
aka "Jack Hires Opera Singer in Rome" aka "Jack And Mary In Rome"
prod. no. 862 / 13-Jan-1957 CBS Sun
Directed by Ralph Levy
Synopsis 1:
Jack ought to be suspicious when his porter in the Rome airport speaks in a
Scottish burr and looks like a Greek
god. In Jack's hotel suite he hears a magnificent male opera singer in another
room, so the Svengali signs the
puzzled amateur up to conquer America.
Synopsis 2:
Jack and Mary Livingston arrive in Rome and Jack assumes a crowd are fans but
they are there to see a famous
opera singer. Jack observes a Leaning Tower of Pisa guide before leaving the
airport. The porter who takes Jack
& Mary's luggage is played by Sean Connery. Climbing the same steps over and
over tires Jack out but while trying to
rest, a guy singing opera keeps Jack awake and gives him an idea of being the
singers agent. Unknown to Jack, the guy
is playing a record. The guy is a wine salesman and Jack ends up buying 60
barrels of wine and then Jack finds out
that he can't sing. [SJ]
Season 7, Episode 10: The Fiddler
Original Air Date—27 January 1957
Season 7, Episode 11: Goodwin Knight/George Jessel Show
Original Air Date—10 February 1957
Season 7, Episode 12: Hope and Benny in Agent's Office
Original Air Date—24 February 1957
Season 7, Episode 13: Jack Falls Into Canal in Venice
Original Air Date—10 March 1957
Jack and Rochester are putting together a scrapbook of Jack's European vacation.
Jack tells Rochester
about his visit to Venice.
7.14 [--] The Jack Benny Program: JACK IN PARIS (Filmed
on location in Paris)
Original Air Date—24 March 1957 CBS Sunday
Guest Star: Maurice Chevalier
Jack makes sure Parisians remember him: he boasts to anyone he can corner that
he drives a garbage truck.
That's how an under-tipped hotel employee translates "star of stage, screen and
television" for Jack.
A garbageman compatriot is delighted to give Jack & Mary a free ride in his
truck, while Maurice Chevalier
takes them nightclubbing.
7.15 [76] The Jack Benny Program: MARY'S MAY CO. REUNION
prod. no. 855 (copyright date 16Jul56) 7-Apr-1957 CBS Sun
Written by Sam Perrin & George Balzer & Al Gordon & Hal Goldman
Directed by Ralph Levy
Guest Cast:
Jean Bates, Margaret Brayton, Pauline Drake, Lillian Culver, Dorothy Granger,
Eve McVeagh,
Barbara Pepper, Grandon Rhodes, Mary Treen, Frank Wilcox
Jack fondly recalls himself as a handsome, high-spending dandy who had to
gallantly fight off constant female attention,
when he's asked how he met long-time girlfriend Mary Livingstone. But Jack
resists attending a reunion with Mary's former
co-workers at a May Company department store in L.A., where she met Jack in
1932, as they remember it very differently
- especially the crucial purchase of an engagement ring. Rochester caters Mary's
reunion, and can't help rolling his eyes
at Jack's unbelievable recollection.
Season 7, Episode 16: Visit from the IRS
Original Air Date—21 April 1957
########### The Jack Benny Program ###########
############## end of season 7 ###############
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