The Classic TV Archive - US Legal Drama Series
Mr District Attorney
(ZIV) - opening & closing
Mr. District Attorney (1954-55)
Episode Guide
compiled by The Classic TV Archive
with contributions by:
Tom Alger, Sal Crisanti, C.S. Harvey
TV Guide / Library of Congress (telnet://locis.loc.gov)
Internet Movie Database (https://us.imdb.com)
UCLA Film and Television Archive / Writers Guild of America (wga)
Mr. District Attorney (season 1) (ZIV/Syndicated) (1954)
Mr. District Attorney (season 2) (ZIV/Syndicated) (1955)
Ziv Television Programs, Inc.
First- Run Syndication
Supervisors Of Production: Jack Herzberg And Herbert L. Stock [SC]
Created by Ed Byron
US Legal Drama series 1954, 1955 78 episodes x 30 min
David Brian
District Attorney Paul Garrett
Jackie Loughery as Miss Miller, the D.A.'s secretary
Case dramatizations based on the files of the District Attorney's
The Original TV Series of "Mr.
District Attorney" was networked on
ABC (1Oct1951-23Jun1952) and starred Jay Jostyn. (possibly 'live')
It is the 1954 ZIV series which is the subject of this episode guide.
Opening Narration:
" and it shall be my duty as District Attorney not only to prosecute to the
limit of the law, those persons accused of crimes perpetrated within this
county, but to defend with equal vigor, the rights and privileges of all
it's citizens" [as I remember it - CSH]
Other Production Credits:
Directors Included:
Leon Benson, Eddie Davis, Lambert Hillyer, Herbert L. Strock [SC]
Assistant Directors Included:
Ed Stein And Joe Wonder
Script Supervisors: Larry Lund And Helen McCaffrey [SC]
Writers Included:
Stuart Jerome, Ellis Marcus, Donn Mullally, Gene Roddenbery, Robert G. Taylor,
Rik Vollaerts [SC]
Film Coordinator: Don Tait [SC]
Directors Of Photography Included: Curt Fetters And Robert Hoffman [SC]
Mr. District Attorney (season 1) (ZIV/Syndicated) (1954)
Mr. District Attorney (season 2) (ZIV/Syndicated) (1955)
########### Mr. District Attorney ###########
############ Episode Titles Unknown ##########
[--] Mr. District Attorney: (episode title unknown)
A fatally wounded criminal tells the district attorney that a nightclub
owner will be murdered.
(19Mar61 WTTG-5, Washington, D.C., Sun 5:30pm)
[--] Mr. District Attorney: (episode title unknown)
The D.A. matches wits with an unscrupulous criminal lawyer.
(20Mar61 WTTG-5, Washington, D.C., Mon 12:30pm)
[--] Mr. District Attorney: (episode title unknown)
The D.A. investigates a wave of vandalism and petty crime.
(22Mar61 WTTG-5, Washington, D.C., Wed 12:30pm)
[--] Mr. District Attorney: (episode title unknown)
The D.A. leads a crusade for a test strip for teenage hot-rod drivers.
(24Mar61 b WTTG-5,Washington, D.C., Fri 12:30pm)
############ Mr. District Attorney ###########
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