CTVA-TV & Movie Commercials

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US TV & Movie Commercials

1950's & 60's TV Commercials Pt.1 of 3   "Adlerangriffe"

1950's & 60's TV Commercials Pt.2 of 3

1950's & 60's TV Commercials Pt.3 of 3

Classic TV Commercials 1 of 3   "DJMChicago"

Classic TV Commercials 2 of 3

Classic TV Commercials 3 of 3


Remember these Commercials .....

1970s Commercials: Coke, Tootie Pop, Rice Krispies, Proctor Silex
1970 Commercials: Maxwell House, Post Raisin Bran, Pepperidge Farm, Dial
1970 Commercials: Commercials: Norelco, Ben, Tums, Panquin, Mercury, Fem-Iron, Nikoban, Curtis.
1971 Commercials: Sine-Aid, Johnson's, Bright, Ultra, Hostess, Wonder, ABC<
1972 Anti-Vietman War PSAs Commercials (Motherhood and the Flag)
1972 Commercials: Oscar Meyer, All, Norelco, Close Up, Anacin, Special K, Body All
1972 & 1974 Commercials: Freakies, Quangaroos, Ultra Brite, English Leather
1973 Commercials: ABC Promos for The Partridge Family & The Brady Bunch
1973 Commercials: Pure Magic, Liquid Plumr, No Jelly, Listerine, Jergens, Chun King
1973 Commercials: Reeses. MaClean's, Gilette, Tame, Close-up, Munchos, Nixon
1974 Commercials: Sunkist, Avon, Outgro, Chef Boy-Ar-Dee
1974 Commercials: Wisk, Columbian, Ban, Volkswagen, Purina
1974 Commercials: Teri, Eggo, Cool Whip, Max Pax, Chuck Wagon, NeoSynephrine
1974 Commercials: Pontiac, Glad, Contac, Dial, Mobil
1974 Commercials: Infra Rub, Product 19, Ideal, Hostess, Pamprin, Chericol D
1976 & 1974 Commercials: Star Kist, Anti-Pollution PSA
1975 Commercial: Prudential, GE, Prudential, Lysol, Tegrin
1975 Commercials: Dentyne, Vitalis, Ban, Doritos, DE, Clairol, Woolite, Colgate
1975 Commercials: Pearl Drops, Artra, Popeils Caviar Bait
1975 Commercials: Certs, Leggs, Coke, Radio Shack, Jovan, RCA, Kodak, Cricket
1975 Commercials: Griddle, Schick, KFC, Nestle, Delta, Timex, Green Giant, Bic
1975 Dynomints Commercial
1976 Commercials: Duncan Hines, Nytol, Sears, Lite-Line, Playtex, 409, Wylers
1976 Commercials: BoyArDee, Easy, Meyer, Shack, Total, Savers, Presto, Schlitz
1976 Commercials: Carefree, Philips, 9-Lives, Stephan B, Weaver, Saverin
1976 Commercials: Miracle, Greyhound, Lingus, Marcal, Freedom, Listerine, Secret
1977 & 1976 K-Tel Commercials
1977 Commercials: Stove Top, Coast, Wrigley's, Genie, Recipe, Hills, Bama
1977 Commercials: GE, Leggs, BK, Drake's, Pepperidge, McDonald's, MeLamont
1977 Commercials: Kool-Aid, Suzy Homemaker, Slinky Toys
1977 Commercials: Avon, Jello, Kool-Aid, Ultra Brite
1977 Commercials: Head Start Vitamins, Clairol Skin Machine
1977 Commercials: Ktel "Music Machine", Korvettes, Sessions "Solid Gold"
1977 Commercials: Zenith Color Senty, Woolworth/Woolco Halloween, Walmart Toy Show
1978 Commercials: Clorox, Chevy, Pepper, Excedrin, Body on Tap, Grape, Canada
1979 Commercials: Kramer, Bread, Sunkist, Decker, Leggs, Lysol, Chow, Sprite, BK
1980 Jordache Basketball Shoes Commercial
1981 Commercials: Burger King, Burnin' Key Cars, Pocket Cars
1981-82 Commercials: Youth '81, Underoos, Kool-Aid, Kraft, Burger King, Lays, 98.7 KISS

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