CTVA UK - 1971 June 4th Friday CTVA - US     The Classic TV Archive      CTVA - UK
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UK TV Listings 1971
Friday 4th April 1971

 ATV Midlands

 1.45pm Horse Racing: The Epsom Summer Meeting

3.20pm Houseparty

3.35pm Horoscope

3.40pm Women Today

4.10pm Peyton Place

4.40pm Zingalong

4.55pm Land of the Giants

5.50pm News

6.00pm ATV today

6.35pm Crossroads

7.00pm The Sky's the Limit (Quiz)

7.30pm Kindly Leave the Kerb (Comedy)

8.00pm Hawaii Five O (Crime drama) starring Jack Lord

9.00pm Budgie (drama) starring Adam Faith

10.00pm News at Ten

10.30pm Late Movie 'Love with the Proper Stranger' - Steve McQueen and Natalie Wood (drama)

followed by Weather and Closedown

Submitted  by Robert Hopkins (21/04/2015) <hopkinsrobert64@gmail.com>

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