CTVA UK - 1962 January 4th Thursday CTVA - US     The Classic TV Archive      CTVA - UK
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UK TV Listings 1962
Thursday 4 January 1962

BBC Television

 1:25pm BBC News
1:30 Perspective - The Repeating Groove
2-2:15 Watch with Mother
5:00 Funny Manns - host Cliff Norton
5:10 Playbox - host Eamonn Andrews
5:55 BBC News
6:05 BBC Regional News Magazine (London: Town and Around)
6:20 Mystery and Magic
6:50 Tonight
7:25 BBC Headline News
7:30 Compact (serial)
8:00 Laramie
8:45 Adventure: The Peaks of Peru
9:15 BBC News
9:25 The Window (film)
10:35 Return and Answer. No.3: George Washington
11:05 BBC News
11:10 Evening Prayers
11:15 Weather and Closedown

London ITV (Associated Rediffusion)  

3:15pm Tennis - Junior Covered Championships of Great Britain
4:45 Small Time
5:00 Junior Criss Cross Quiz
5:25 Popeye
5:55 ITN News
6:08 Animal Care
6:20 ITN Roving Report: Paris Collection
6:45 Here and Now
7:00 Close-up
7:30 Parade
8:00 Take Your Pick - host Michael Miles
8:30 Bootsie and Snudge
9:00 ITN News
9:15 This Week
9:45 Route 66
10:40 What the Papers Say
10:55 ITN News Headlines
10:57 Dateline London
11:05 La Dordogne
11:30 The Epilogue

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