- The Classic TV Archive - UK
Murder Bag / Crime Sheet/
No Hiding Place
Episode Guide
compiled by
The Classic TV Archive
with contributions by:
David Moore, Rina Fox
Dinosaur TV
- Save Our Forgotten British Heritage (David Moore)
Library of Congress (telnet://locis.loc.gov)
Internet Movie Database (http://us.imdb.com)
Playlist - #4.14 -
No Hiding Place (The Common Murder) (3pt) (7-Aug-62)
Playlist - #7.14 -
No Hiding Place (Smokey) (5pt) (26-Apr-65)
Playlist - #9.2 -
No Hiding Place (Ask me if I killed her) (5 pt) (11-May-66)
Associated-Rediffusion production
(Wembley Studios, London)
for the ITV network
UK police series 1957-59 55 episodes x 30 min (mainly live)
season 1 16Sep57-31Mar58 30 episodes ITV Mondays
season 2 30June58-1Apr59 28 episodes
Raymond Francis as Superintendent Tom Lockhart
Murder Bag - season 1 (all season 1 episodes had Case Numbers)
[01] Murder Bag: CASE 1
16Sep57 ITV Mon
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[02] Murder Bag: CASE 2
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[03] Murder Bag: CASE 3
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[04] Murder Bag: CASE 4
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[05] Murder Bag: CASE 5
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[06] Murder Bag: CASE 6
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[07] Murder Bag: CASE 7
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[08] Murder Bag: CASE 8
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[09] Murder Bag: CASE 9
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[10] Murder Bag: CASE 10
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[11] Murder Bag: CASE 11
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[12] Murder Bag: CASE 12
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[13] Murder Bag: CASE 13
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[14] Murder Bag: CASE 14
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[15] Murder Bag: CASE 15
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[16] Murder Bag: CASE 16
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[17] Murder Bag: CASE 17
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[18] Murder Bag: CASE 18
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[19] Murder Bag: CASE 19
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[20] Murder Bag: CASE 20
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[21] Murder Bag: CASE 21
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[22] Murder Bag: CASE 22
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
[23] Murder Bag: CASE 23
17Feb58 ITV Mon
Written by Peter Ling
based on a story by Glyn Davies
designed by Fredric Pusey
Directed by David Boisseau
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
A night watchman is killed, and a valuable consignment of
nickel is stolen. During the investigation, a case of robbery
with violence becomes a double murder.
[24] Murder Bag: CASE 24 (details in TV Times) (case number - 24 - verified )
24Feb58 ITV Mon 9:30 pm
Written by Barry Baker
Based on a Story by Glyn Davies
Directed by Jean Hamilton
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
To a tramp, two crossed arrows means " go anywhere away from here"
but to Supt. Lockhart they can point the way to a murderer.
[25] Murder Bag: CASE 25
[26] Murder Bag: CASE 26 (details in STV's "TV Guide")
10Mar58 ITV Mon 9:30pm
Written by Peter Ling/ Based on a Story by Glyn Davies
Directed by Jean Hamilton
Somebody in the gang has been talking too much and the police are able to
make a swift arrest. This adds up to a motive for murder - but as Supt.
Lockhart discovers things are not always what they seem.
[--] Murder Bag: CASE 27
[--] Murder Bag: CASE 28
[30] Murder Bag: CASE 30 (Drama Guide call this CASE 29)
31Mar58 ITV Mon 9:30pm
written by Glyn Davies
directed by Jean Hamilton
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
Jealousy; greed; love; these three emtions, mixed with plain
water, equal the hardest case of Lockharts's career.
(next week: 7Apr58 Mon 9:30pm "Tell the Truth")
Murder Bag - season 2 30June58-1Apr59 40 episodes
2.01 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART CASTS A NET
30Jun58 ITV Mon 9:30pm
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.02 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART BAGS A BROOCH
07Jul58 ITV Mon 8:00pm
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.03 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART LAYS A GHOST
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.04 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART TURNS A KEY
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.05 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART READS A LETTER
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.06 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART SETS A TRAP
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.08 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART FINDS A NEEDLE
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.09 [--] Murder Bag: +LOCKHART FINDS A HAT
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
01Sep58 Mon 8:00pm
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
08Sep58 Mon 8:00pm
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
Moves from Mondays to Wednesdays
2.12 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
17Sep58 Wed 7:30 pm (NOT ATV Midlands)
2.13 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
24Sep58 Wed 7:00 pm (NOT ATV Midlands) (earlier for one week due to 2hr "Play of
the Week")
2.14 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
01Oct58 Wed 7:30 pm (NOT ATV Midlands)
2.15 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
08Oct58 Wed 7:30 pm (NOT ATV Midlands)
2.16 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART PICKS A WINNER (missing from Drama Guide)
15Oct58 Wed - Granada 7:30 pm
Written by Barry Baker
From a Story by Glyn Davies
Directed by Roger Jenkins
designed by Henry Federer
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
The prospect of easy gains on the race track has often led
men to back more heavily than they can afford. But when luck
is against them their despair may lead them to violence -
perhaps suicide.
2.17 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
22Oct58 Wed 7:30 pm (NOT ATV Midlands)
2.18 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
29Oct58 Wed 7:30 pm (NOT ATV Midlands)
2.19 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
05Nov58 Wed 7:30 pm (NOT ATV Midlands)
12Nov58 Wed
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
19Nov58 Wed
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.22 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
26Nov58 Wed 7:30 pm (NOT ATV Midlands)
2.23 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
03Dec58 Wed 7:30 pm
2.24 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
10Dec58 Wed 7:30 pm
2.25 [--] Murder Bag (Times Archive)
17Dec58 Wed 7:30 pm
2.26 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART COINS A PHRASE (missing from Drama Guide)
24Dec58 Wed 7:30 pm Christmas Eve
Written by Peter Ling
From the story by Glyn Davies
Directed by Roger Jenkins
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
"Boodle of queer and snide" - the jargon of making counterfeit
money has a suitably odd ring about it. But even at Christmas
passing dud florins may lead to murder.
Moves from Wednesdays (early evening) to Thursdays (late evening)
2.27 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART FINDS A GUN
01Jan59 ITV Thur
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.28 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART FOLLOWS A DOG
08Jan59 ITV Thur
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.29 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART FINDS A FLAW
15Jan59 ITV Thur
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.30 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART FITS THE SHOE
22Jan59 ITV Thur 10:15 pm
Written by Bill Hitchcock
From the Story by Glyn Davies
Directed by Daphne Shadwell
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
In the early hours of the morning Supt. Lockhart is called
in to solve a murder.
2.31 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART BREAKS EVEN
29Jan59 ITV Thur 10:15pm
Written by Bill Hitchcock
From the Story by Glyn Davies
Directed by Jonathan Alwyn
Designed by Frank Nerini
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
A prisoner escapes, £20,000 is stolen and Lockhart finds
himself with a double murder on his hands.
05Feb59 Thur
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.33 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART SEEKS A DRIVER
12Feb59 Thur
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.34 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART DITCHES A CAR
19Feb59 Thur
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.35 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART SEES THE PM
26Feb59 Thur
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.36 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART MISSES A CLUE
05Mar59 Thur
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.37 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART WATCHES A FILM
12Mar59 Thur 10:15pm
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
Moves from Thursdays to Wednesdays
2.38 [--] Murder Bag: (title unknown)
18Mar59 Wed 10:15pm
2.39 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART OPENS A DOOR
25Mar59 Wed
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
2.40 [--] Murder Bag: LOCKHART MAKES A TALLY
01Apr59 Wed 10:15 pm
Written by Peter Ling
From the Story by Glyn Davies
Directed by Penny Wootton
designed by Frank Gillman
Starring: Raymond Francis (as Supt. Lockhart)
Rose's Cafe means cheap food and a night's lodging for
long distance lorry drivers. But for one man, it means ...
Crime Sheet
Associated-Rediffusion production
(Wembley Studios, London)
for the ITV network
Produced by Barry Baker
UK police series 1959 17 episodes x 30 min bw (mainly live)
Raymond Francis as Ch. Det. Supt. Tom Lockhart
08Apr59 Wed
15Apr59 Wed
22Apr59 Wed
29Apr59 Wed
starring: Gerald Case as Chief Supt. Carr
(Note: Due to illness Raymond Francis did not appear in
this episode)
06May59 Wed
13May59 Wed
20May59 Wed
27May59 Wed 10:15-10:45pm
Moves from Wednesday to Tuesday
02Jun59 Tue 10:15-10:45pm
09Jun59 Tue 10:15-10:45pm
16Jun59 Tue 10:15-10:45pm
23Jun59 Tue 10:15-10:45pm
Moves from Tuesday to Wednesday
1.13 [--] Crime Sheet: (not listed in Drama Guide)
01Jul59 ITV Wed 8:00-8:30pm
1.14 [--] Crime Sheet: (not listed in Drama Guide)
08Jul59 ITV Wed 9:30-10:00pm
1.15 [--] Crime Sheet: (not listed in Drama Guide)
15Jul59 ITV Wed 9:30-10:00pm
1.16 [--] Crime Sheet: (not listed in Drama Guide)
22Jul59 ITV Wed 9:30-10:00pm
1.17 [--] Crime Sheet: (not listed in Drama Guide)
29Jul59 ITV Wed 9:30-10:00pm
1.18 [--] Crime Sheet: (not listed in Drama Guide)
05Aug59 ITV Wed 8:00-8:30pm
1.19 [--] Crime Sheet: (not listed in Drama Guide)
12Aug59 ITV Wed 8:00-8:30pm
1.20 [--] Crime Sheet: LOCKHART VISITS A LAUNDRY
1.22 [--] Crime Sheet: LOCKHART MEETS A ROMEO
1.23 [--] Crime Sheet: LOCKHART CLOSES THE DOOR (30 min)
09Sep59 ITV Wed 7:30pm
Written by Glynn Davies
Directed by Ian Fordyce
Designed by Bernard Goodwin
Lockhart sets out to find an escaped prisoner
- and discovers a murder.
"No Hiding Place" began the week following this
episode of
"Crime Sheet" -16Sep59 (no rest for Lockhart!)
an additional episode did NOT star Raymond Francis
08Nov61 ??
Gerald Case as Chief Supt. Carr
No Hiding
Associated-Rediffusion production
(Wembley Studios, London)
for the ITV network
UK police series 1959-67 236 episodes x 60 min bw tape
(includes 1964 Christmas Comedy Special)
16Sep59-22June67 (10 seasons)
Series 1, 20 episodes 16Sep59-27Jan60 Wednesdays
Series 2, 26 episodes 5May60-28Oct60 Thursdays (Fridays from 16Sep60)
Series 3, 26 episodes 3Feb61-4Aug61 Fridays
(ITV actors strike Jan-May 1962)
Series 4, 44 episodes 8May62-19Mar63 Tuesdays
Series 5, 26 episodes 2Jul63-6Jan64 Tuesdays (upto 22Oct63)
Wednesdays (from 4Nov63)
Series 6, 26 episodes 6Apr64-12Oct64 Mondays
Christmas Special 21Dec64
Series 7, 26 episodes 1Feb65-26Jul65 Mondays
Series 8, 13 episodes 3Nov65-26Jan66 Wednesdays
Series 9, 12 episodes 4May66-27Jul66 Wednesdays
Series 10, 15 episodes 16Mar67-22Jun67 Thursdays
plus missing ep "A Home Posting" airdate not known - possibly 20Jul66)
Raymond Francis as Det. Chief Supt. Tom Lockhart
[EL] Eric Lander as Det. Sgt./Insp. Harry Baxter (1959-61; 1963)
[JB] Johnny Briggs as Det. Sgt. Russell (1963-66)
[MS] Michael McStay as Det. Sgt. Perryman (1963-66)
[SC] Sean Caffrey as Det. Sgt. Gregg (1966-67)
Lockhart's popularity had grown from 2 earlier series.
'Murder Bag' (1957-59) introduced Lockhart and this was followed in
1959 by 'Crime Sheet'.
############## No Hiding Place ###############
############# season 1 1959-60 ##############
20 episodes 16Sep59-27Jan60 Wednesdays
(all series 1 junked)
1.01 [--] 16.09.59 No Hiding Place: The Talking Doll
1.02 [--] 23.09.59 No Hiding Place: Checkmate
1.03 [--] 30.09.59 No Hiding Place: Wheels Of Fury
1.04 [--] 07.10.59 No Hiding Place: A Genuine Sale Of Murder
1.05 [--] 14.10.59 No Hiding Place: The Stalag Story
1.06 [--] 21.10.59 No Hiding Place: The Sharp Knife
1.07 [--] 28.10.59 No Hiding Place: Call Me A Killer
1.08 [008] No Hiding Place: EVERYBODY LOVES JERRY [EL]
04Nov59 Wed 8:30 pm
Guest Star:
William Franklyn
In a sport like motor racing, champions like Jerry Fleming
often die young. But when someone tries to hurry Fleming
along Chief Superintendent Lockhart steps into the picture.
1.09 [--] 11.11.59 No Hiding Place: The Man Who Left His Coat
1.10 [--] 18.11.59 No Hiding Place: Murder With Witnesses
1.11 [--] 25.11.59 No Hiding Place: Ring Of Fear
1.12 [--] 02.12.59 No Hiding Place: With Suicidal Intent
1.13 [--] 09.12.59 No Hiding Place: No Wreath For Clive
1.14 [--] 16.12.59 No Hiding Place: Black Fashion
1.15 [--] 23.12.59 No Hiding Place: Stranger In The Parlour
1.16 [--] 30.12.59 No Hiding Place: Who Is Gustav Vamia?
1.17 [--] 06.01.60 No Hiding Place: Victim Of The Dark
1.18 [018] No Hiding Place: THE GOLDEN CLOWN [EL]
13Jan60 Wed 8:30 pm
Produced by Ray Dicks
Written by Peter Baker
Directed by Ian Fordyce
(details in Geoff Phillips' Book)
1.19 [--] 20.01.60 No Hiding Place: A Man Of Straw
1.20 [--] 27.01.60 No Hiding Place: The Final Chase
############## No Hiding Place ###############
############### series 2 1960 ################
26 episodes 5May60-28Oct60
Thursdays (05May60-08Sep60) / Fridays (16Sep60-28Oct60)
(all series 2 junked)
2.01 [--] 05.05.60 No Hiding Place: The Long Day
2.02 [--] 12.05.60 No Hiding Place: The Head Case
2.03 [--] 19.05.60 No Hiding Place: Stop Press
2.04 [--] 26.05.60 No Hiding Place: Man's Best Friend
2.05 [--] 02.06.60 No Hiding Place: Two Blind Mice
2.06 [--] 09.06.60 No Hiding Place: Six Eyes On A Stranger
2.07 [027] No Hiding Place: THE LAST FLIGHT OF THE EEL [EL]
16Jun60 Thur 8:30 pm
Produced by Ray Dicks
Written by Larry Forrester
Directed by Bill Hitchcock
Guest Artist:
William Franklyn ......... Paul Kendon
William Mervyn ........... Colonel Frew
Moira Redmond ............ Felicity Gray
When Paul Kendon, ace wartime escaper, escapes once again - from
an English gaol - Lockhart plays a waiting game
2.08 [028] No Hiding Place: BED OF ROSES [EL]
23Jun60 Thur 8:30 pm
Produced by Ray Dicks
Written by William Woods
Directed by Ian Fordyce
Guest Artistes:
Maxine Audley ........... Brenda Mansfield/ Marie Bullen
Jack Hedley ............. David Bullen
When a man murders his wife, he may not find that life with
her successor is all a bed of roses.
2.09 [029] No Hiding Place: A STRAIGHT WHITE LINE [EL]
30Jun60 Thur 8:30 pm
Produced by Ray Dicks
Written by Glyn Davies
Directed by Christopher Hodson
Guest Artiste:
Frank Lawton
Patricia Marmont
2.10 [--] 07.07.60 No Hiding Place: State Visit
2.11 [--] 14.07.60 No Hiding Place: The Constant Widow
2.12 [--] 21.07.60 No Hiding Place: Raising Old Harry
2.13 [--] 28.07.60 No Hiding Place: The Last Deal
2.14 [--] 04.08.60 No Hiding Place: Three Small Bones
2.15 [--] 11.08.60 No Hiding Place: Trial And Error
2.16 [--] 18.08.60 No Hiding Place: The Burning Question
2.17 [--] 25.08.60 No Hiding Place: The Missing Moorhen
2.18 [--] 01.09.60 No Hiding Place: Dog Eat Dog
2.19 [--] 08.09.60 No Hiding Place: Double Fugue
16Sep60 moves from Thursdays to Fridays
2.20 [040] 16.09.60 No Hiding Place: Two-Time Loser
2.21 [041] 23.09.60 No Hiding Place: Girl InThe Shadow
2.22 [042] 30.09.60 No Hiding Place: The Goat's Whiskers
2.23 [043] 07.10.60 No Hiding Place: A Very Respectable Man
2.24 [044] 14.10.60 No Hiding Place: Point Of Release
2.25 [045] 21.10.60 No Hiding Place: Fair Lady
2.26 [046] 28.10.60 No Hiding Place: Footsteps On The Ceiling
############## No Hiding Place ###############
############### series 3 1961 ################
26 episodes 03Feb61-04Aug61 Fridays
(all series 3 junked
except "Whistle and I'll Come" and "Dead Ringer")
3.01 [047] No Hiding Place: THE SLIPPERY DECK [EL]
03Feb61 Fri 9:35 pm
Produced by Ray Dicks
Written by Glynn Davies and Bill Hitchcock
Directed by NOT KNOWN
Guest Artistes:
Sydney Tafler ........... Lew Hemming
Delphi Lawrence ......... Dorothy Hemming
Gordon Tanner ........... Alec Robinson
Ian Sadler .............. Captain
Lockhart and Baxter, returning from America where they have
been winding up a fraudulent passport case, are involved in
a feud between rival gangs of ocean-going card-sharpers.
3.02 [--] 10.02.61 No Hiding Place: The Long Stretch
3.03 [--] 17.02.61 No Hiding Place: Man In The Dark
3.04 [--] 24.02.60 No Hiding Place: A Warrent For Joe Roberts
3.05 [051] No Hiding Place: NEVER DINE WITH DEAD MEN [EL]
03Mar61 Fri 9:35 pm
Produced by Ray Dicks
Written by J.P. Hill
Directed by Jonathan Alwayn
Guest Cast:
Barbara Shelley
Peter Dyneley
Andrew Crawford
(full details in TV Times)
3.06 [--] 10.03.61 No Hiding Place: The Widower
3.07 [--] 17.03.61 No Hiding Place: WHISTLE AND I'LL COME (exists)
3.08 [--] No Hiding Place: PAYMENT IN KIND
24Mar61 ITV, Fri 9:35 pm
Produced by Ray Dicks
Written by John Roddick
Directed by (no credit given in "The Viewer")
Starring: Raymond Francis, Eric Lander
Guest Cast:
Martin Benson .......... Bernard Huntley
Richard Vernon ......... John Eldin
Francis Matthews ....... Brian Trevelyan
William Douglas ........ Joe Cooper
Danny Daniels .......... Gery Bye
Blanche Fothergill ..... Mrs. Yarrow
Arthur Skinner ......... Ray Gleason
Ann Walford ........... Jeannie Gleason
Rowena Gregory ......... Woman Det. Sally Jordan
Synopsis 1:
A fatal crash helps Lockhart uncover a million-pound stolen-car
Synopsis 2:
While investigating a fatal car accident, Lackland uncovers a stolen car
racket. [RF] (12Apr64 CBLT Sun Toronto 11:30pm)
3.09 [--] 07.04.61 No Hiding Place: The Toy House
3.10 [--] 14.04.61 No Hiding Place: A Girl Like Xanthe
3.11 [--] 21.04.61 No Hiding Place: Nina And The Night People
3.12 [--] 28.04.61 No Hiding Place: Told By A Dead Man
3.13 [059] No Hiding Place: NO TEARS FOR TOBIN [EL]
05May61 Fri 9:35 pm
Produced by Ray Dicks
Directed by Geoffrey Hughes
Starring: Raymond Francis, Eric Lander
Guest Cast:
Basil Dignam
Simon Lack
(rest of cast - see "The Viewer")
Chief Superintendent Lockhart puts to sea in an attempt to
solve the murder of the most hated man in a small island
community off the Cormish coast.
3.14 [--] 12.05.61 No Hiding Place: Fever
3.15 [--] 19.05.61 No Hiding Place: THE MISSING SUIT
3.16 [--] 26.05.61 No Hiding Place: MR. AND MRS. SMITH
3.17 [--] 02.06.61 No Hiding Place: FINALE
3.18 [--] 09.06.61 No Hiding Place: Process Of Elimination
3.19 [--] 16.06.61 No Hiding Place: Signals At Danger
3.20 [--] 23.06.61 No Hiding Place: The Final Fling
3.21 [--] 30.06.61 No Hiding Place: Explosion Underground
3.22 [--] 07.07.61 No Hiding Place: With Intent To Kill
3.23 [--] 14.07.61 No Hiding Place: The White Stick
3.24 [--] 21.07.61 No Hiding Place: Caught And Bowled
3.25 [--] 28.07.61 No Hiding Place: Silent Witnesses
3.26 [--] 04.08.61 No Hiding Place: DEAD RINGER (exists)
5 months ITV actors strike - circa Jan-May 1962
############## No Hiding Place ###############
############# series 4 1962-63 ###############
44 episodes 8May62-19Mar63 Tuesdays
(All series 4 episodes junked except 3)
4.01 [--] 08.05.62 No Hiding Place: A Touch Of Nitrate
4.02 [--] 15.05.62 No Hiding Place: ACCESSORIES AFTER THE FACT (exists)
4.03 [--] 22.05.62 No Hiding Place: Little Girl Stolen
4.04 [--] 29.05.62 No Hiding Place: A Job For Johnny
4.05 [--] 05.06.62 No Hiding Place: Cover Story
4.06 [--] 12.06.62 No Hiding Place: Third Party Risk
4.07 [--] No Hiding Place: CONVICTS WIFE
19Jun62 ITV Tue 8:00pm
Directed by Ian Fordyce
Starring: Raymond Francis, Eric Lander
Guest Cast:
Raymond Huntley ....... Ward
Jayne Muir ............ Peggy Rushton
Two Dartmoor convicts are serving time for a payroll snatch,
but Chief Superintendent Lockhart is not the only person
who knows the money was never found.
4.08 [--] No Hiding Place: CAR IN FLAMES
26June62 Tue ITV 8:00pm
Produced by Richard Mathews
Script by Dennis Spooner
Script Editor: Glyn Davies
Directed by Mark Lawton
Starring: Raymond Francis, Eric Lander
Cast in Order of Appearance:
Eric Lander ............ Det-Insp. Baxter
Raymond Francis ........ Det. Chief-Supt. Lockhart
Mark Kingston .......... Colin Turner
Rex Garner ............. Tony Farina
Roland Curram .......... Vince Farina
Thomas Gallagher ....... Deering
Michael Wynne .......... Webster
Rowena Torrance ........ Suzanne
Barbara Young .......... Sharron Webb
Chris Gannon ........... Paddy Ryan
Edwin Brown ............ Station Sergeant
Eric Corrie ............ Det. Sgt. Oliver
Peter Glaze ............ Dr. Barrett
Douglas Bradley-Smith .. Mr. Lamb
Blanche Fothergill ..... Maria Farina
A watch and a ring are almost the only clues left to Chief Supt.
Lockhart when he has to identify the body of a man found in a burnt out car.
4.09 [--] 03.07.62 No Hiding Place: A Surprise For Mr.Kemp
4.10 [--] 10.07.62 No Hiding Place: Epitaph For Johnnie
4.11 [--] 17.07.62 No Hiding Place: The Bank Job
4.12 [--] 24.07.62 No Hiding Place: Inquest On An Idol
4.13 [--] 31.07.62 No Hiding Place: The Skeleton Wore Boots
4.14 [--] 07.08.62 No Hiding Place: THE COMMON MURDER
(parts 1&2 of 3 exist)
Playlist - #4.14 -
No Hiding Place (The Common Murder) (3pt) (7-Aug-62)
4.15 [--] 14.08.62 No Hiding Place: The Paying Guests
4.16 [--] 21.08.62 No Hiding Place: Thirty Seconds From Now
4.17 [--] 28.08.62 No Hiding Place: Whatever Happend To Wally?
4.18 [--] 04.09.62 No Hiding Place: A Cool Million
4.19 [--] 11.09.62 No Hiding Place: Straight To The Grave
4.20 [--] 18.09.62 No Hiding Place: A Talk With Yargo Simms
4.21 [--] 25.09.62 No Hiding Place: The Most Beautiful Room In The World
4.22 [--] 02.10.62 No Hiding Place: Top Of The Ladder
4.23 [--] 09.10.62 No Hiding Place: Time To Kill
4.24 [--] 23.10.62 No Hiding Place: Run For The Sea
4.25 [--] 30.10.62 No Hiding Place: Key To Murder
4.26 [098] No Hiding Place: CORPSE FOR THE CUP [EL]
06Nov62, ITV Tue 8:00 pm
Produced by Jonathan Goodman
Script by Bill Strutton
Script Editor Glyn Davies
Directed by Richard Doubleday
Film Sequences Directed by Richard Sidwell
Cast in Order of Appearance:
Terence Alexander ....... Michael Dea
Edward Rees ............. Hughie
John Bown ............... Bob Heneghen
Guy Doleman ............. James Conway
Marne Maitland .......... Morry Finn
Lorraine Peters ......... Miss Sears
Griffith Davies ......... Dave McElvey
Yvonne Buckingham ....... Nora Heneghen
Elizabeth Burger ........ Mrs. Trevor
Eric Lander ............. Det-Insp. Baxter
Ralph Ball .............. Sergeant Rigby
Raymond Francis ......... Det. Chief-Supt. Lockhart
Bill Treacher ........... Guard
Hamlyn Benson ........... Councillor Halliday
Cup-tie fever provides the background for Lockhart's latest
case when a shady north-country business man is murdered en
route to a football match.
4.27 [--] 13.11.62 No Hiding Place: Contents Noted
4.28 [--] 20.11.62 No Hiding Place: Unfinished Business
4.29 [--] 27.11.62 No Hiding Place: The Girl In The Rain
4.30 [--] 04.12.62 No Hiding Place: Date For Deception
4.31 [--] 11.12.62 No Hiding Place: Night Of The Game
4.32 [--] 18.12.62 No Hiding Place: The Front Man
4.33 [--] 25.12.62 No Hiding Place: 100,000 Halfpennies
4.34 [--] 01.01.63 No Hiding Place: Death On The Doorstep
4.35 [--] 08.01.63 No Hiding Place: Who Killed Cock Robbin?
4.36 [--] 15.01.63` No Hiding Place: The Image Of Frank Brown
4.37 [---] No Hiding Place: BEWARE OF THE WEEPERS
4.38 [--] 29.01.63 No Hiding Place: A Pocketfull Of Bones
4.39 [--] 05.02.63 No Hiding Place: The Imagination Of Taffy Lewis
4.40 [--] No Hiding Place: OPERATION TIPTOE (exists) [D.Moore]
with Eric Lander:
Script:: Paddy Manning O'Brine
Producer: Jonathan Goodman
Director: Raymond Menmuir
Ian Shand... Eddie Frazer
Jayne Muir... Jennifer Chappell
Bettine Lebeau... Michelle Duvalle
Guy Deghy... Amos Mendelssohn-Jones
Anthony Sagar... Dave Butler
Pamela Conway... Dierdre Crowther
Charles Simon... Chief Insp Caldwell
Joan Lindsay... Receptionist
Job Stewart... Sidney Chappell
Barry Raymond... Det Sgt Bowman
Frank Seton... Guppy Watson
Lionel Stephens... Shoe Shop Manager
Malcolm Watson... Shop Assistant
George Bolton... Paper Tearer
Jess Shine... Fingerprint Man
Ray Marlowe... Michelle's Boyfriend
4.41 [--] 19.02.63 No Hiding Place: Tell Them Upstairs
4.42 [--] 26.02.63 No Hiding Place: Hot Ice
4.43 [--] 12.03.63 No Hiding Place: Dead Certainty
4.44 [--] 19.03.63 No Hiding Place: A Bird To Watch The Marbles
############## No Hiding Place ###############
########### series 5 mid-late 1963 ###########
26 episodes 2Jul63-6Jan64
Tuesdays (02Jul63-22Oct63) / Wednesdays (from 04Nov63-06Jan64)
(all series 5 junked)
5.01 [--] 02.07.63 No Hiding Place: Alibies Are Fixed
5.02 [--] 09.07.63 No Hiding Place: Four Faces Of Clare
5.03 [--] 16.07.63 No Hiding Place: A Ticket For The Nudes
5.04 [--] 23.07.63 No Hiding Place: All Dead And Buried
5.05 [--] 30.07.63 No Hiding Place: Last Flight
5.06 [--] 06.08.63 No Hiding Place: Alexander's Ragtime Girl
5.07 [--] 13.08.63 No Hiding Place: Pay As You Earn
5.08 [--] 20.08.63 No Hiding Place: Expert With Salt
5.09 [--] 27.08.63 No Hiding Place: Peggy
5.10 [--] 03.09.63 No Hiding Place: Statement To The Press
5.11 [--] 10.09.63 No Hiding Place: Scaremonger
5.12 [--] 17.09.63 No Hiding Place: Deadline For Dummy
5.13 [--] 24.09.63 No Hiding Place: Pillar To Post
5.14 [--] 01.10.63 No Hiding Place: The Smoke Boys
5.15 [--] 08.10.63 No Hiding Place: As Well As Murder
5.16 [--] 15.10.63 No Hiding Place: Two Dreams In A Fire
5.17 [--] 22.10.63 No Hiding Place: AN EYE ON THE KINGS
Moves from Tuesdays to Wednesdays
5.18 [--] 04.11.63 No Hiding Place: Requiem On A Typewriter
5.19 [--] 18.11.63 No Hiding Place: A Hole In The Head
5.20 [--] 25.11.63 No Hiding Place: The Gamblers
5.21 [--] 02.12.63 No Hiding Place: No Previous Convictions
5.22 [--] 09.12.63 No Hiding Place: Always A Copper
5.23 [--] 16.12.63 No Hiding Place: Death Of Samantha
5.24 [--] 23.12.63 No Hiding Place: Solomon Dancey's Luck
5.25 [--] 30.12.63 No Hiding Place: Formula For Death
5.26 [--] 06.01.64 No Hiding Place: A Car Is Stolen
############## No Hiding Place ###############
############### series 6 1964 ################
26 episodes 6Apr64-12Oct64 Mondays
(all series 6 episodes junked)
6.01 [--] 06.04.64 No Hiding Place: Play On Letters
6.02 [--] 13.04.64 No Hiding Place: Who Takes The Blame?
6.03 [--] 20.04.64 No Hiding Place: The By Boys
6.04 [--] 27.04.64 No Hiding Place: My Father Is My Brother
6.05 [--] 04.05.64 No Hiding Place: Line Of Fire
6.06 [--] 11.02.64 No Hiding Place: The Write-Off
6.07 [--] 18.05.64 No Hiding Place: An Eye For An Eye
6.08 [--] 25.05.64 No Hiding Place: Red Roses For Emma
6.09 [--] 01.06.64 No Hiding Place: Death Of A Breadwinner
6.10 [--] 08.06.64 No Hiding Place: Greetings From A 12-Bore
6.11 [--] 22.06.64 No Hiding Place: It's Coming Down Harder
6.12 [--] 29.06.64 No Hiding Place: Trained To Kill
6.13 [--] 06.07.64 No Hiding Place: The Breakout
6.14 [--] 13.07.64 No Hiding Place: The Rainbow Turned To Dust
6.15 [--] 20.07.64 No Hiding Place: Varnish On Three Fingers
6.16 [--] 27.07.64 No Hiding Place: The Carrion Bird
6.17 [--] 03.08.64 No Hiding Place: The Hoarders
6.18 [--] 10.08.64 No Hiding Place: Aftertaste
6.19 [--] 17.08.64 No Hiding Place: The Things Money Can Buy
6.20 [--] 24.08.64 No Hiding Place: One Redeming Feature
6.21 [--] 31.08.64 No Hiding Place: Hanging By A Thread
6.22 [--] 14.09.64 No Hiding Place: The Point Of Death
6.23 [--] 21.09.64 No Hiding Place: Why Baker Died
6.24 [--] 28.09.64 No Hiding Place: Real Class
6.25 [--] 05.10.64 No Hiding Place: Rogue's Gallery
6.26 [--] 12.10.64 No Hiding Place: Death Of A Dead Man
6.xx [--] 21.12.64 No Hiding Place: (Christmas Comedy Special)
Deep And Crisp And Stolen (exists)
############## No Hiding Place ###############
############ series 7 early 1965 #############
26 episodes 1Feb65-26Jul65 Mondays
(8 episodes exist - all others junked)
7.01 [--] 01.02.65 No Hiding Place: Whoever's Right, Sweeney's Wrong
7.02 [--] 08.02.65 No Hiding Place: The Link
7.03 [--] 15.02.65 No Hiding Place: A Menace To The Public
7.04 [--] 22.02.65 No Hiding Place: Pom-Pom
7.05 [--] 01.03.65 No Hiding Place: Bear With A Sore Head
7.06 [--] 08.03.65 No Hiding Place: Truth Or Dare
7.07 [--] 15.03.65 No Hiding Place: Blood And Water
7.08 [--] 22.03.65 No Hiding Place: Found Dead
7.09 [--] 29.03.65 No Hiding Place: The Grass
7.10 [--] 05.04.65 No Hiding Place: The Bread Bag
7.11 [--] 12.04.65 No Hiding Place: Death Out Of Season
7.12 [---] No Hiding Place: MUSIC FOR MURDER
19Apr65, TWW Monday 8pm
Music for Murder
Script by Geoffrey Orme
Directed by John Frankau
Guest Cast:
Leo Leyden ... Arnold Stendhal
Philip Bond ... Julian Forrester
Edina Ronay ... Norma Linden
Petra Davies ... Miss Gibbons
Jimmy Gardner... Perkins
Alan Gifford ... Gerald Cross
George Pravda ... Dr Linden
Derek Benfield ... Prescott
Ann Firbank ... Anthea Cross
Susan Tracy ... Student
Morris Perry ... Inspector Parks
When a distinguished scientist dies during a concert everybody staying
in the house is under suspicion. Lockart finds that not all of them have
come for the love of music.
7.13 [--] 26.04.65 No Hiding Place: To Find A Fox
7.14 [--] No Hiding Palce: SMOKEY (exists) [D. Moore]
Playlist - #7.14 -
No Hiding Place (Smokey) (5pt) (26-Apr-65)
Script: Tom West
Director: John Frankam
Starring: Raymond Francis; with: Johnny Briggs and Michael McStay
Guest Cast:
Liam Redmond... Smokey Flynn
Maureen Davis... Maureen Flynn
Donal Donnelly... Jerry Dempsey
Glyn Houston... Harry Lavey
Glenn Williams... Alf Lister
John Redmond... Local Inspector
Arthur Hewlett... Mr Lovejoy
Howard Goorney... Bert Conway
John Woodnutt... Joe Briggs
Betty England... Mrs Briggs
7.15 [--] 10.05.65 No Hiding Place: A PLACE IN THE SUN (exists)
7.16 [--] 17.05.65 No Hiding Place: THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE (exists)
7.17 [--] 24.05.65 No Hiding Place: A FISTFULL OF TROUBLE (exists)
7.18 [--] 31.05.65 No Hiding Place: Calculated Risk
7.19 [--] No Hiding Place: RAT IN A TRAP (exists) [JB]
07Jun65, Whit Mon 8:00 pm
Produced by NOT KNOWN
Script by Alun Falconer
Directed by John Frnakau
Gary Bond
Jean Kent
7.xx [--] 14.06.65 No Hiding Place: CHAIN OF GUILT (exists)
7.xx [--] 21.06.65 No Hiding Place: A Cry For Help
7.xx [--] 28.06.65 No Hiding Place: Wolves Get Eaten,Too
7.xx [--] 05.07.65 No Hiding Place: ONE GOOD MAN AND TRUE? (exists)
7.xx [--] 12.07.65 No Hiding Place: THE REUNION (exists)
7.xx [--] 19.07.65 No Hiding Place: The Hunted And The Hunters
7.xx [--] 26.07.65 No Hiding Place: The Lady On The Train
############## No Hiding Place ###############
############# series 8 1965-66 ##############
13 episodes 3Nov65-26Jan66 Wednesdays
(all series 8 junked)
8.01 [--] 03.11.65 No Hiding Place: The Jelly Boy
8.02 [--] 10.11.65 No Hiding Place: Hi-Jack
8.03 [--] 17.11.65 No Hiding Place: Danger-Wrong Turning
8.04 [--] 24.11.65 No Hiding Place: It Could Always Happen
8.05 [--] 01.12.65 No Hiding Place: A Moment Of Freedom
8.06 [--] 08.12.65 No Hiding Place: The Street
8.07 [--] 15.12.65 No Hiding Place: Run Johnny,Run
8.08 [--] 22.12.65 No Hiding Place: The Ring Of Truth
8.09 [--] 29.12.65 No Hiding Place: What's All This Then?
8.10 [--] 05.01.66 No Hiding Place: Sing Me The Old Song
8.11 [--] 12.01.66 No Hiding Place: The Lifer
8.12 [--] 19.01.66 No Hiding Place: A Dead Cert
8.13 [---] No Hiding Place: THE FIT-UP [D. Moore]
(final episode of series 8)
26Jan66, Tyne-Tees, Wed 8pm
Produced by Geoffrey Nugus
Written by Louis Marks and Colin Holder
Directed by James Ormerod
Guest Cast:
Arnold Bell... Commander
Fidelma Murphy... Yvonne
Hilary Wonter... Parfitt
George A Cooper... Victor Burgess
Jeremy Young... Inspector
Sean Lynch... Pete
Kate OMara... Carole
A policeman who steals from a member of the public! Im sure well
all sleep easier in our beds tonight. An investigation of a major jewel
robbery involves Lockart in a supreme test of loyalty.
############## No Hiding Place ###############
############### series 9 1966 ################
12 episodes 4May66-27Jul66 Wednesdays
(all series 9 junked except "Ask me If I Killed her")
9.01 [--] No Hiding Place: A Bottle Full Of Sixpences
9.02 [--] No Hiding Place: ASK ME IF I KILLED HER (exists) [D. Moore]
Playlist - #9.2 -
No Hiding Place (Ask me if I killed her) (5 pt) (11-May-66)
Producer: Geoffrey Nugus
Script: Douglas Livingstone
Director: Marc Miller
Starring: Raymond Francis; with: Johnny Briggs and Michael McStay
Guest Cast:
Derek Godfrey... Duncan Myers
Mary Miller... Anne Harrington
Yootha Joyce... Hilda Myers
Shirley Cain... Sue Parsons
Alister Williamson... Chief Inspector Wills
Andrew Lodge... Det Sgt Jones
Duncan Livingston... Police Constable
Kay Patrick... Post Office Assistant
9.03 [--] No Hiding Place: The Old Pals Act
9.04 [--] No Hiding Place: You Never Can Tell Till You Try
9.05 [--] No Hiding Place: Charlie Come Lately
9.06 [--] No Hiding Place: It Isn`t Just The Money...
9.07 [--] No Hiding Place: The Night Walker
9.08 [--] No Hiding Place: THE SMOKER [D. Moore]
22Jun66, Tyne-Tees, Wed 8pm
Written by Alun Falconer (from a story by Colin Horder)
Directed by Christoper Hodson
David Collings ... Harry Nelson
Linda Marlowe ... Helen Green
Fredric Abbott ... Pete Voss
Geoffrey Denton ... Mr Saltzmann
Kenny Lynch ... Albert Pomeroy
He sounds just my type... bronzed, handsome, six foot tall. Pete
Voss is all these things but when brawn takes the place of brain
Lockart is faced with a new murder enquiry.
9.09 [--] No Hiding Place: The Killing
9.10 [--] No Hiding Place: Golden Boy
9.11 [--] No Hiding Place: A Hero Of Our Times
[--] 20Jul66 - no details -
xx.xx [xxx] No Hiding Place: A HOME POSTING (exists)
tx date not known possibly 20July66
9.12 [--] No Hiding Place: You Don`t Think Twice
############## No Hiding Place ###############
############### series 10 1967 ##############
############### (final series) ###############
15 episodes 16Mar67-22Jun67 Thursdays
(all series 10 junked except "It's All Happening")
10.01 [---] No Hiding Place: IT'S ALL HAPPENING (exists) [D. Moore]
(first episode of series 10)
15Mar67, A-R Wednesday, 8pm (should be Thursday 16th ???)
Produced by Michael Currer-Briggs
Written by Alun Falconer and Colin Holder
Directed by Marc Miller
Sean Caffrey... Det-Sgt.Gregg
David Ashford... Det-Con. Stanley
David Garth... Mr.Adama
Ursula Howells... Mrs.Adams
Alex Ross... Ex Det-Insp. Forrest
Henry Soskin... Grant
Colette ONeil... Deborah Shaw
David Carter... Barman
John Carlin... Charlie White
Patrick Jordan... George Mitchell
John Caesar... George
Barbara Kaye... Singer
Glyn Hale... Pianist
Would Lockart ever help prove another policeman wrong? Sgt Gregg
gets himself into a tight corner helping him to take up the challenge.
10.02 [--] No Hiding Place: The Game
10.03 [--] No Hiding Place: A Girl Like You
10.04 [--] No Hiding Place: The Price On My Head
10.05 [--] No Hiding Place: A Letter For Helga
10.06 [--] No Hiding Place: A Murder Is A Murder
10.07 [--] No Hiding Place: New Faces for Old
10.08 [--] No Hiding Place: Decree Absolute
10.09 [--] No Hiding Place: GENTLE PERSUASION [SC]
11May67, Thur 9:40 pm
Produced by Michael Currrer-Briggs
Written by Bill Coleman
Directed by Chris Hodson
10.10 [--] No Hiding Place: A Through And Through With Powder
10.11 [--] No Hiding Place: Just Like The Old Days
10.12 [--] No Hiding Place: It Couldn't Be Charlie
10.13 [--] No Hiding Place: Who Is This Mortimer?
10.14 [--] No Hiding Place: Cause For Alarm
10.15 [--] No Hiding Place: Personal Feelings Don't Count
(final ever episode)
############## No Hiding Place ###############
################# the end ##################
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