CTVA What's New

CTVA - The Classic TV Archive
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  DVD Collectors Guestbook  - Western Guestbook  -  "The Virginian" Guestbook  
SciFi Guestbook  - Comedy Guestbook  -  Crime Guestbook  -  Anthology Guestbook
Actors Guestbook  -  Actresses Guestbook  -   Departed Guestbook  -  Medical Guestbook 
MusicVariety Guestbook  -  Music Guestbook
  -  Movies Guestbook

What's New  -  From The Golden Age of Television

Please Check Out some of the recent additions  to the website    - Tell Your Friends!

UK TV Christmas Listings  -  UK TV Listings (Regular Programmes)

US TV Listings

  Music Archive 

US TV Network Schedules

Nielsen US TV Ratings

Movie Archive

 Plus Some Episode Guides now have LINKS  to You Tube videos  - hope you find these useful 

On You Tube a typical half-hour episode may be in 3 x 10 minute parts

On You Tube a  typical hour-long episode may be in 6 x 10 minute parts

(Remember to close each  You Tube window after each part)

You may have noticed changes to the Classic TV Archive  recently.

All episode guides are now on  the  ctva.biz  main server.

This mainly affects US COMEDY genre (previously on Geocities)  /  US Anthology (previously on FreeWebPage)

and UK/Canada/Australia episodes guides (previously  on Angelfire)

Sorry for the inconvenience -  but you may have to update some of your LINKS/ BOOKMARKS/ FAVORITES.

 And those GUESTBOOKS  -  you can use them like forums, message boards, blogs etc

and the DVD Guestbook is ideal for Video Trading

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