CTVA - Fred Silverman Productions

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Fred Silverman Productions

& Dean Hargrove Productions

    Fred Silverman (imdb)    Dean Hargrove (imdb)

Perry Mason (revival)(Fred Silverman/ Dean Hargrove/ Viacom) (1985-93)
starring Raymond Burr, Barbara Hale,William Katt, William R. Moses

Matlock (Fred Silverman/ Dean Hargrove/ Viacom)(NBC/ABC) (1986-95)
starring Andy Griffith

Jake and The Fatman (Fred Silverman/Dean Hargrove/Viacom/CBS)(1987-92)
starring William Conrad & Joe Penny

In The Heat Of The Night (Fred Silverman)(1988-95)
starring Carroll O'Connor

 Father Dowling Mysteries (Fred Silverman / Dean Hargrove / Viacom)(1989-91)
 starring Tom Bosley, Tracy Nelson, James Stephens, Mary Wickes

Diagnosis Murder (Fred Silverman/ Dean Hargrove/CBS) (1992-2002)
starring Dick Van Dyke & Barry Van Dyke

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