CTVA-Nielsen Ratings 1955-1956 CTVA - The Classic TV Archive
Master Index (all genres) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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#1 The $64,000 Question (CBS)

#2  I Love Lucy (season 5) (1955-56) (CBS)

#3 The Ed Sullivan Show (season  8) (1955-56) (CBS)

#4 Disneyland (season 2) (1955-56) (ABC)

#5 The Jack Benny Program (season 6) (1955-56) (CBS)

#6 December Bride (season 2) (1955-56) (CBS)

#7 You Bet Your Life: hosted by Groucho Marx (season 6) (1955-56) (NBC)

#8 Dragnet (season 5) (1955-56) (NBC)

#9 I've Got a Secret (NBC)

#10 General Electric Theater (season 4) (1955-56) (CBS)

#11 Private Secretary (season 4) (1955-56) (CBS)

#12 Ford Theatre (season 7) (1955-56) (NBC)

#13 The Red Skelton Show (season 5) (1955-56) (CBS)

#14 The George Gobel Show (season 2) (1955-56) (NBC)

#15 The $64,000 Challenge (CBS)

#16  Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts (CBS)

#17 The Line-Up (season 2) (1955-56) (CBS)

# 18 Shower of Stars (CBS)

#19 The Perry Como Show (season 8)(first of his hour long shows) (1955-56) (NBC)

#20 The Honeymooners (Jackie Gleason) (season 4) (1955-56) (CBS)

#### End of the  Nielsen Ratings List  #####

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