CTVA - UK TV Christmas Listings - 1950

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Christmas 1950

Christmas Eve 1950 - Sunday 24th December 1950

BBC Television

5pm For the Children
8pm Pouishnoff at the Piano
8:20pm Sunday-Night Theatre: "A Soldier For Christmas"
10:5pm The Crib: Broadcast from St. Martin-in-the-Fields
10:15pm News (sound only)

Christmas Day 1950 - Monday 25th December 1950

BBC Television

11:30am Service from St. Martin
5pm For the Children
5:20pm Children's Christmas Party
8pm Newsreel
8:15pm The Season's Greetings
9pm "A Christmas Carol"
10:30pm News (sound only)

Boxing Day 1950 - Tuesday 26th December 1950
BBC Television

3pm "Canadian Carols" (film)
3:10pm "A Chump At Oxford" (film)
5pm For the Children
8pm Pantomime: "Cinderella"
10pm Newsreel
10:15pm News (sound only)


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#### End of the  UK TV Listings  #####

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