CTVA UK - 1982 November 2nd Tuesday - Channel 4 First Day CTVA - US     The Classic TV Archive      CTVA - UK
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UK TV Listings 1982
Tuesday 2nd November 1982
 Channel 4  First Day

 Channel 4
16:44 Welcome to Channel 4!
A montage of what to expect over the next few weeks, accompanied by the full version of Channel 4's theme tune.
Followed by.....
16:45 Countdown
Words and numbers game with Richard Whiteley, Ted Moult, and their assistants Beverley Isherwood,
Carol Vorderman and Kathy Hytner.
17:15 Preview 4
A look at what's coming up on the new channel.
17:30 The Body Show
A series featuring simple exercises used by dancers to keep healthy.
18:00 People's Court
Genuine legal cases from Los Angeles are settled in this TV show. Tonight - The Case of One Bald Tyre,
and the Case of One Hot Rollerskate.
18:30 Book Four
Looking at the best new books.
19:00 Channel Four News
20:00 Brookside
First episode of a soap set on a housing estate in Liverpool.
20:30 The Paul Hogan Show
Irreverent comedy from the top comedian in Australia.
21:00 Film On Four Walter
A handicapped man, through the persistence of his mother, has learned to read, write, talk and even hold
down a mundane job, but he finds the world a terrifying place without her protection.
22:15 The Comic Strip Presents..... Five Go Mad In Dorset
A ripping comic take on Enid Blyton's famous creation, featuring Adrian Edmonson, Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders.
22:45 In The Pink
A revue from the Raving Beauties, celebrating the lives of women.
23:50 Close

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