CTVA UK - 1977 February 26th Saturday CTVA - US     The Classic TV Archive      CTVA - UK
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UK TV Listings 1977
Saturday 26th February 1977

08:50 Mister Men
Mr Fussy and Mr Snow
09:05 Indoors Outdoors First Shown on BBC2
Practical hints and tips on how to make your money go further with Zena Skinner, Geoffrey Smith
09:30 Multi-Coloured Swap Shop Last in present series
With Noel Edmonds, Keith Chegwin, John Craven. Featuring Hong Kong Phooey at 11am, Magical Mystery Swap
with John Salisse, President of the Magic Circle, Dawn Coleman wants to swap mugs, Star Swap with Patrick Moore,
and the Multi-Coloured Super Group.
12:13 Weather
Jack Scott
12:15 Grandstand
with Frank Bough
17:05 Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
Tarzan and the Graveyard of the Elephants
17:30 News, Weather
17:40 Sport, Regional News
17:45 Jim'll Fix It
Jimmy Saville OBE looks back over the past nine weeks at some of the dreams he has fulfilled.
18:30 Dr Who
The Talons of Weng Chiang, part 1
18:55 Saturday Night At The Movies
Masquerade (1964)
20:35 Ronnie Corbett's Saturday Special
21:20 Serpico
Trumpet of Time
22:10 News
with Richard Baker
22:20 Match of the Day
FA Cup 5th Round
23:30 Saturday Night at the Mill New Series
Bob Langley and Donny MacLeod, with Kenny Ball, Roy Orbison, Marti Caine, James Burke and the Zaporozhian Cossacks
00:20 Weatherman
00:22 Close

BBC Scotland

As BBC1 Except
21:20 Sportscene
22:00 The Corries
folk music series
22:30 As BBC1

BBC Wales
As BBC 1 Except
09:05 Teliffant
Light Entertainment
09:30 As BBC1

07:40 Open University
Maths: Complex Analysis ; Being Black ; Where to put a Power Station? ; Dial-a-bus ;
Maths - Number Theory ; Analysing Motion ; Systems Management ; Student Costs and Grants in Focus ;
Behind the Eye ; Chemistry of Carbon Compounds ; Handicapped in the Community ; Landscape, Maps and the Historian ;
Maths - Matrix Transformations ; In Search of Zion
13:55 Close
14:55 Saturday Western
The Great Sioux Uprising (1953)
16:15 Play Away
With Brian Cant, Toni Arthur, Chloe Ashcroft, Jonathan Cohen.
16:45 Look, Stranger
Keeper of the Wild
17:10 Horizon
Shown last Friday
18:00 Open Door
Friends Anonymous Service
18:30 Sight and Sound In Concert
Kiki Dee
19:30 News and Sport, Weather
19:40 M*A*S*H
Hotlips and Empty Arms
20:05 May I Have the Pleasure?
The story of popular dancing for 1,000 years.
21:20 Film International: Kaseki (1974)
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