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UK TV Listings 1956

  Thursday 3rd May 1956

 BBC Television Service

12:00-1:30pm Cricket: Worcestershire v The Australians
1:45pm Horse Racing at Newmarket
3:10pm Cricket
3:30pm Mainly for Women
4:00pm Cricket
4:15pm Watch with Mother
4:30pm Cricket
5:00pm Children's Television
6:00-6:30pm Cricket
7:00pm News
7:10pm Newsreel
7:20pm Highlight
7:30pm Comedy-thriller "Double Cross" (episode 5)
8:00pm "The Male Animal" by James Thurber & Elliott Nugent
9:30pm Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?
10:00pm News
10:15pm Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Kostelanetz.
Works by Prokofiev, Beethowen and Gershwin
followed by Weather Report

London ITV - Associated Rediffusion Ltd.
4:45pm One Family
5:00pm Flickwiz
5:55-6:00pm News
7:00pm Time, News, and Weather
7:06pm Sixpenny Corner
7:20pm Eve Boswell, accompanied by Reg owen and his Orchestra
7:30pm As Others See Us: Godfrey Winn discusses viewers problems.
8:00pm Val Parnell's Startime: with Bob Monkhouse and Dennis Goodwin
9:00pm Play: The Blood is Strong" with John Laurie and Renee Houston
10:00pm Science Magazine: Maurice Goldsmith presents " Meet the Professor"
10:30pm Genine Graham and John Witty in "Mail Call"
10:45pm News and Weather
11:00pm Epilogue

North ITV - Granada Television (opening night)
7:25pm Test Pattern
7:30pm Meet the People
8:00pm Salute to Lancashire: variety
9:00pm Boxing: from Liverpool
9:45pm "Blue Murder" play
10:10pm "Tribute to the B.B.C."
10:45-11:00pm News

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