CTVA Music - Songs for Days of the Week CTVA - The Classic TV Archive
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     Songs for Days of the Week

Beautiful Sunday - Daniel Boone (US 192)

Pleasant Valley Sunday - The Monkees (US 1967)


Come Monday - Jimmy Buffett (US 1974)

Monday, Monday - The Mamas and The Papas

Blue Monday - Fats Domino (US 1957)

Rainy Days and Mondays - The Carpenters (US 1971)

Everything is Tuesday - Chairmen of the Board  ("Tuesday" is a Girl's Name here?)


Wednesday's Child - Matt Munro


Black Friday - Steely Dan (US 1975)

Friday on my Mind - The Easybeats (UK/US 1967)


Another Saturday Night - Sam Cooke / Cat Stevens

Come Saturday Morning - The Sandpiers (US 1970)

Saturday Night is the Loneliest Night of the Week

Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting - Elton John


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